Publications Repository - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

1 Publication

Quantitative AMS depth profiling of the hydrogen isotopes collected in Graphite Divertor and Wall Tiles of the Tokamak ASDEX - Upgrade

Sun, G.; Friedrich, M.; Grötzschel, R.; Bürger, W.; Behrisch, R.; Garcia-Rosales, C.


The accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) facility at the
3 MV Tandetron in Rossendorf has been applied for quantitative depth profiling
of deuterium and tritium in samples cut from the vessels walls of the fusion
experiment ASDEX-Upgrade in Garching. The tritium originates from D(d,p)T
fusion reaction in the plasma and it is implanted in the vessel walls together
with deuterium atoms and ion from the plasma. The high deuterium concentrations
in the samples were measured by a conventional SIMS mode. The concentrations
in the surface layers down to the analysing depth of about 25 mm are for
deuterium in the range of up to 3x1018 to 8x1021 atoms/cm3, corresponding
to a deuterium retention of 2.5x1016 to 2.5x1018 atoms/cm2 in a surface
layer £ 25 mm, and for tritium in the range form 1011 to 5x1015 atoms/cm3,
corresponding to a tritium retention of 3.0x1010 to 3.5x1012 atoms/cm2
in a surface layer £25 mm. The estimated total amount of tritium
in the vessel walls is in agreement with the total number of neutrons produced
in D(d,n)3He reaction.

  • Journal of Nuclear Materials 246 (1997) 9-16


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