Publications Repository - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

1 Publication

Plans for investigations of subthreshold K+ production in p+A collisions

Schult, O. W. B.; Sistemich, K.; Koptev, V.; Müller, H.; Cassing, W.; Jarczyk, L.; Komarov, V. I.; Sibirtsev, A.; Ernst, J.; Santo, R.; Nioradze, M.; Kulikov, A. V.; Hardt, A.; Dshemuchadse, S.; Leege, K.-W.; u. a.


We plan to investigate sub-threshold K+ production in proton bombardment of atomic nuclei in order to study the reaction mechanism through a measurement of the double differential cross section and of K+ p and K+ d coincides. The status of the theoretical studies is summarized, and the spectrometer to be installed in the COSY ring is briefly described.

  • Nuclear Physics A 583 (1995) pp. 629


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