Publications Repository - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

1 Publication

Review of Photocathodes for electron beam sources in particle accelerators

Schaber, J.; Xiang, R.; Gaponik, N.


This paper compares different photocathodes that are applicable for electron injector systems and
summarizes the development in cathode technology in the last years. The photocathode is one of
the key components of the facilities that provides electrons for many research experiments. Typically,
a high efficiency and a long operation time are desired, thus the photocathode needs to be
robust against any rest gases occasionally available during operation. Low thermal emittance and
fast response time are special requirements for the accelerator community. These parameters are
commonly used to compare the various cathode materials. Metals and plasmon-enhanced materials
emit electrons from the near surface, whereas semiconductors emit photoelectrons mostly from the
bulk region.
We compare metal photocathodes such as magnesium, copper and lead, with semiconductor photocathodes
such as cesium telluride, antimonide photocathodes and III-V semiconductor photocathodes.
GaAs and its typical application for the generation of spin-polarized electrons is discussed and
special attention has been paid to the emerging GaN as a potential novel photocathode. The above
mentioned state-of-the-art cathodes are compared regarding their preparation approaches, quantum
efficiency, lifetime, response time and their status of application. This work is aimed to provide
a guideline for particle accelerator researchers in their choice of the cathode material. Thermionic
cathodes and field emission cathodes are not discussed in this review.

Keywords: photocathodes; electron source; particle accelerator; quantum efficiency

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