Publications Repository - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

1 Publication

Role of assortativity in predicting burst synchronization using echo state network

Roy, M.; Senapati, A.; Poria, S.; Mishra, A.; Hens, C.


In this study, we use a reservoir computing based echo state network (ESN) to predict the collective burst synchronization of neurons. Specifically, we investigate the ability of ESN in predicting the burst synchronization
of an ensemble of Rulkov neurons placed on a scale-free network. We have shown that a limited number of nodal
dynamics used as input in the machine can capture the real trend of burst synchronization in this network. Further,
we investigate the proper selection of nodal inputs of degree-degree (positive and negative) correlated networks.
We show that for a disassortative network, selection of different input nodes based on degree has no significant
role in the machine’s prediction. However, in the case of assortative network, training the machine with the
information (i.e., time series) of low degree nodes gives better results in predicting the burst synchronization.
The results are found to be consistent with the investigation carried out with a continuous time Hindmarsh-Rose
neuron model. Furthermore, the role of hyperparameters like spectral radius and leaking parameter of ESN on the
prediction process has been examined. Finally, we explain the underlying mechanism responsible for observing
these differences in the prediction in a degree correlated network.

Keywords: Echo State Network; Assortativity; Complex network; Synchronization

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