Publications Repository - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

1 Publication

Tests of the detector system for the Stopping Target Monitor of the MU2E experiment in a high flux pulsed gamma beam

Alvarez, C.; Chen, J.; Edmonds, A.; Ferrari, A.; Huang, S.; Keshavarzi, A.; Knodel, O.; Koltick, D.; Lancaster, M.; Miller, J. P.; Müller, S.; Popp, J. L.; Rachamin, R.; Simic, M.; Tickle, S.; Ufer, R.; Voigt, M.


This dataset contains data generated with LaBr and Nal detector (DSPEC and oszilloscope data) at the gELBE beam. The gELBE pulsed gamma beam to test the detector system for the Stopping Target Monitor of the MU2E experiment. The gELBE pulsed gamma beam with narrow pulses set to about 600 kHz repetition rate - the choice of the ELBE CW mode with micropulses at 406 kHz or 812.5 kHz is ideal in our case- is the unique facility in the world suited to study the performance of the Stopping Target Monitor detector of the Mu2e Experiment. The STM monitor has the crucial role to normalize the charged lepton flavor muon conversion rate in the Mu2e experiment. The ability to operate at high rate in presence of background is crucial. We have at ELBE the unique possibility to validate the final methodology that will be employed by the STM detector.

Keywords: dataset; detector; Stopping Target Monitor (STM); MU2E; gELBE; Data Management; DAQ; muon conversion

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