Publications Repository - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

1 Publication

Safety Cases for Design-Basis Accidents in LWRs Featuring Passive Systems Part 2 - Numerical Investigations

Buchholz, S.; Bonfigli, G.; Schäfer, F.; Kaczmarkiewicz, N.; Schuster, C.; Sporn, M.


This paper deals with the improvement and validation of numerical tools for the simula-tion of design basis accidents in nuclear power plants equipped with passive safety sys-tems. Numerical models are implemented in the framework of the 1-D thermal-hydraulic system code ATHLET developed by GRS. Experimental reference data for the validation were obtained at the INKA test facility, a model of the KERENA reactor, reproducing the passive safety systems nearly at full scale.
The validation effort focuses firstly on the accuracy of the models for the single passive components, and secondly on the ability of the numerical simulation to reproduce the in-teraction of all components of the KERENA design under realistic conditions as repro-duced in the INKA test facility. Thermal-hydraulic models are presented and validated for two passive components of the KERENA reactor: the passive pressure pulse trans-mitter and the pressure-controlled flooding valve. Finally, the full model of the INKA fa-cility, including these and other passive components, is discussed and numerical results for simulations reproducing three different design basis accidents are validated by com-parison with the corresponding experimental data.

Keywords: Passive Safety Systems; passive pressure pulse transmitter; passive core flooding sys-tem; ATHLET; AC2; INKA; KERENA

Involved research facilities

  • TOPFLOW Facility


Years: 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015