Publications Repository - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

1 Publication

Euler-Euler simulation and X-ray measurement of bubble chain in a shallow container filled with liquid metals

Liu, L.; Keplinger, O.; Ma, T.; Ziegenhein, T.; Shevchenko, N.; Eckert, S.; Yan, H.; Lucas, D.


An Euler-Euler two-fluid approach was used to simulate the behavior of gas bubbles rising in a stagnant liquid metal. A single point injection with four gas flow rates resulted in the formation of bubble chains undergoing either slight or distinct oscillations of the bubble trajectories. A set of interfacial closures with a shear stress transport (SST) k-ω turbulence models was applied for simulating the transient behavior of the bubble chain. X-ray radiography measurements were conducted to establish an experimental data base for validating the numerical results. The experiments provide a visualization of the bubble chain in a flat container and allow determining the bubble size and integral void fraction. Two bubble induced turbulence (BIT) models (Rzehak and Krepper, 2013a, Sato et al., 1981) and a modified turbulent viscosity approach (Johansen et al., 2004) were applied within this study. For all gas flow rates, the Rzehak and Sato BIT model alone predicted a steady bubble chain in contrast to the oscillating bubble plume observed in the experiments. Without a BIT model the oscillating bubble chain can be predicted but the oscillation frequency is underestimated especially for high gas flow rates. In addition, calculations without a BIT model predicted over-dispersion of the averaged gas fraction through the whole fluid container for the high gas flow rates. The best results in terms of a satisfying agreement with the experimental data were achieved by adopting a modified turbulent viscosity approach proposed by Johansen together with the Rzehak and Krepper BIT model. These findings demonstrate the significance of the turbulence model.

Keywords: Liquid metal two-phase flow; Bubble chain; X-ray radiography; Bubble induced turbulence model; CFD; Euler-Euler two-fluid model


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