Publications Repository - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

1 Publication

Determination of the γ-Ray-Angular Distribution in the Inelastic Scattering of Fast Neutrons on ⁵⁶Fe at nELBE

Dietz, M.


The inelastic neutron scattering reaction on 56Fe was studied at the nELBE time-of-flight facility of HZDR. The incoming neutron energy ranges in the fast neutron spectrum from 100 keV to 10 MeV, where high precision nuclear data are needed. Regarding the recent CIELO evaluation on 56Fe, there is a great interest in improving the knowledge of inelastic scattering angular distribution and increasing the resolution on the few literature data of gamma-ray-angular distribution.
To investigate angular distributions of the emitted gamma-rays, a new detector setup has been installed. It contains five HPGe detectors and five LaBr3 scintillation detectors, which can be set under different angles. For this measurement they were positioned under 30°; 55°; 90°; 125° and 150°, relative to the beam axis. By cyclical measurement with and without the natural Fe-target the intrinsic and the neutron induced background from the setup, except the target, has been subtracted. Corrections for gamma-self-absorption inside the target and extended source effciency were achieved using GEANT4 simulations.
The gamma-ray-angular distribution data measured with the HPGe detectors are compared with data from D. L. Smith, Argonne, 1976. Due to the much better time resolution in LaBr3 detectors high resolution data have been obtained and very interesting resonant structures have been observed for the gamma-ray-angular distribution. In the end, the influence of angular distribution coeffcient a4 is demonstrated by a anisotropy correction factor for experiments, using only one detector under an angle of 125°.

Keywords: nELBE; inelastic neutron scattering; Fe-56; angular distribution

Involved research facilities

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