Publications Repository - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

1 Publication

Influence of Laser Pulse Parameters on the Properties of e-e+ Plasmas Created from Vacuum

Blaschke, D.; Kämpfer, B.; Panferov, A. D.; Prozorkevich, A. V.; Smolyansky, S. A.


We use the low density approximation within the kinetic theory approach to vacuum creation of an e-e+ pair plasma (EPPP) in a strong laser field in order to investigate the dependence of the observed EPPP on the form and parameters of a single pulse. The EPPP distribution function is calculated for an abitrary time dependence of the electric field in the multiphoton domain (adiabaticity parameter γ>>1). The dependence on the field strength, the form and spectrum of the field pulse is investigated on the basis of both analytical and numerical methods. The obtained results can be useful for examining some observable secondary processes associated with the dynamical Schwinger effect.


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