Publications Repository - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

1 Publication

In-Medium QCD Sum Rules for omega Meson, Nucleon and D Meson

Thomas, R.


The modifications of hadronic properties caused by an ambient nuclear medium are investigated within the scope of QCD sum rules. This is exemplified for the cases of the ω meson, the nucleon and the D meson. By virtue of the sum rules, integrated spectral densities of these hadrons are linked to properties of the QCD ground state, quantified in condensates. For the cases of the ω meson and the nucleon it is discussed how the sum rules allow a restriction of the parameter range of poorly known four-quark condensates by a comparison of experimental and theoretical knowledge. The catalog of independent four-quark condensates is covered and relations among these condensates are revealed. The behavior of four-quark condensates under the chiral symmetry group and the relation to order parameters of spontaneous chiral symmetry breaking are outlined. In this respect, also the QCD condensates appearing in differences of sum rules of chiral partners are investigated. Finally, the effects of an ambient nuclear medium on the D meson are discussed and relevant condensates are identified.

  • Other report
    Dresden: Technische Universität Dresden, 2008
    105 Seiten


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