RES³T - Rossendorf Expert System for Surface and Sorption Thermodynamics

Show Detailed Site Query Results

Binding Site Data:

Mineral: Goethite
Reference: ZLTG22
SCM Type: CDM - (CD-)MUSIC   (C1: 1.11 F/m2,  C2: 1.11 F/m2)
Ionic Strength:
Site Type: »Fe-triply
pK2: 11.7   pK22.31 nm−2 (normalized): 11.74
Site Density in nm-2: 2.1200
Original Site Density: 2.12 sites / nm² surface
Solid/Liquid Ratio in g/L:
pH Range:
Temperature in K:
Method for Site Density: Best Estimate
Method for Protolysis:Literature
Fit Method:ECOSAT
Comment: Combination of ECOSAT 4.9 and FIT;
Site density and inner-Helmholtz layer capacitance (C1) were estimated based on the crystal surface contribution (CFC) and SSA, according to the relationship proposed by Han and Katz (2019);
Surface acidity constants of goethite were taken from the literature and were fixed during the fitting process
1 data sets were retrieved