RES³T - Rossendorf Expert System for Surface and Sorption Thermodynamics

Show Detailed Site Query Results

Binding Site Data:

Mineral: Montmorillonite
Reference: HW05a
SCM Type: DDL - Diffuse Double Layer
Ionic Strength: 0.0 mol/L of
Site Type: »X-OH
PZC: 2.5
pK1: 4.38 pK1°I=0 (Conversion to I = 0): 4.38 pK12.31 nm−2 (normalized): 2.79
pK2: 5.26 pK2°I=0 (Conversion to I = 0): 5.26 pK22.31 nm−2 (normalized): 6.85
Site Density in nm-2: 0.0600
Original Site Density: 0.000063 mol / L solution
Solid/Liquid Ratio in g/L: 20.0
pH Range:
Temperature in K: 298.15
Method for Site Density: Mean of Different Sources
Method for Protolysis:Literature
Fit Method:
Comment: pK from [BDP00] (but there 1g/L); SSD determined by experimental data of TBT adsorption; SSD from [BDP00]: 36.8µmol/g (here incorrect unit mmol/L); PZC <=2-3; surface charge density 1.15 µmol/m^2; ; also ion exchange >XNa + H+ =XH + Na+ logK=8.67; >X(s)OH: selective site, >XOH: nonselective site; to get the best fits, it is suggested to reduce the number of selective sites 1000-fold lower than nonselective ones for TBT adsorprption instead of 100-fold lower, which is usually done for modeling adsorption
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