HIBEF User Consortium Documents

Details of HIBEF UserConsortium group # 80.

  • Basic information of group and PI
  • Institute or Division HZDR
    Name of PI Cowan/Sauerbrey
    Number of scientists 3
    Number of students 2
    Number of theses 2
    Number of experiments 5

  • Scientific interests
  • Laser Matter Interaction, Hot dense matter

  • Members of group
  • ID Forename Surname
    227 Hans-Peter Schlenvoigt
    38 Thomas Cowan

  • Contributions (generic categories)
  • High-Power Laser under detailed consideration or in development, see actual contribution

  • Institution details
  • ID of institution 1
    Short name of Institution HZDR
    Full name of Institution Helmholtz-Center Dresden-Rossendorf
    Country Germany
    City Dresden
    Street Bautzner Landstraße 400
    ZIP 01328

  • Details about actively developed contributions

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