European Projects with an involvement of HZDR

Projects funded from the Framework programme for research and innovation Horizon 2020

  • AIDA-2020: Advanced European Infrastructures for Detectors at Accelerators, 05/2015 - 04/2019
  • aMUSE: advanced Muon Campus in US and Europe contribution, 01/2022 - 12/2025
  • ARIEL: Accelerator and Research reactor Infrastructures for Education and Learning, 09/2019 - 02/2024
  • BioFlot: Critical metal recovery from industrial wastewater by bioflotation using surface active siderophores, 10/2019 - 09/2021
  • BioMOre: New Mining Concept for Extracting Metals from Deep Ore Deposits using Biotechnology, 02/2015 - 07/2018
  • BIONANOSENS: Deeping collaboration on novel biomolecular electronics based on “smart” nanomaterials, 10/2020 - 09/2023
  • CALIPSOplus: Convenient Access to Light Sources Open to Innovation, Science and to the World, 05/2017 - 10/2021
  • Cebama: Cement-based materials, properties, evolution, barrier functions, 06/2015 - 05/2019
  • ChETEC-INFRA: Chemical Elements as Tracers of the Evolution of the Cosmos - Infrastructures for Nuclear Astrophysics, 05/2021 - 04/2025
  • CHROMIC: effiCient mineral processing and Hydrometallurgical RecOvery of by-product Metals from low-grade metal contaIning seCondary raw materials, 11/2016 - 10/2020
  • CONCERT: European Joint Programme for the Integration of Radiation Protection Research, 06/2015 - 05/2020
  • ENTENTE: European Database for Multiscale Modelling of Radiation Damage, 09/2020 - 08/2024
  • ESFR-SMART: European Sodium Fast Reactor Safety Measures Assessment and Research Tools, 09/2017 - 08/2021
  • EUCALL: European Cluster of Advanced Laser Light Sources, 10/2015 - 09/2018
  • EuPRAXIA: European Plasma Research Accelerator with eXcellence In Application, 11/2015 - 10/2019
  • EURAD: European Joint Programme on Radioactive Waste Management, 06/2019 - 05/2024
  • EXCITE: Electron and X-ray microscopy Community for structural and chemical Imaging Techniques for Earth materials, 05/2021 - 04/2024
  • ExPaNDS: EOSC Photon and Neutron Data Services, 09/2019 - 08/2022
  • FineFuture: Innovative technologies and concepts for fine particle flotation: unlocking future fine-grained deposits and Critical Raw Materials resources for the EU, 06/2019 - 05/2022
  • FRACTESUS: Fracture mechanics testing of irradiated RPV steels by means of sub-sized specimens, 10/2020 - 09/2024
  • FRIENDS2: Framework of Innovation for Engineering of New Durable Solar Surfaces, 01/2015 - 12/2018
  • GaLlophore: Selective recovery of gallium from wastewaters of GaAs fabrication industry using siderophore based bisorptive biocomposites, 10/2016 - 01/2019
  • IMPULSE: Integrated Management and reliable oPerations for User-based Laser Scientific Excellence, 11/2020 - 04/2024
  • INFACT: Innovative, Non-invasive and Fully Acceptable Exploration Technologies, 11/2017 - 01/2021
  • INSIDER: Improved Nuclear SIte characterization for waste minimization in DD operations under constrained EnviRonment,
    06/2017 - 05/2021
  • ION4RAW: Ionometallurgy of primary sources for an enhanced raw materials recovery, 06/2019 - 05/2023
  • IONS4SET: Ion-irradiation-induced Si Nanodot Self-Assembly for Hybrid SET-CMOS Technology, 02/2016 - 07/2020
  • IVMR: In-Vessel Melt Retention Severe Accident Management Strategy for Existing and Future NPPs, 06/2015 - 11/2019
  • LASERLAB-EUROPE: The Integrated Initiative of European Laser Research Infrastructures, 12/2015 - 11/2019
  • LEMAP: Laboratory Experiments on Magnetic Phenomena in Geo- and Astrophysics, 11/2018 - 10/2023
  • McSAFE: High-Performance Monte Carlo Methods for SAFEty Demonstration- From Proof of Concept to realistic Safety Analysis and Industry-like Applications, 09/2017 - 08/2020
  • McSAFER: High-Performance Advanced Methods and Experimental Investigations for the Safety Evaluation of Generic Small Modular Reactors, 09/2020 - 08/2023
  • MIND: Development of the safety case knowledge base about the influence of microbial processes on geological disposal of radioactive wastes, 06/2015 - 05/2019
  • MUSE: Muon campus in US and Europe contribution, 01/2016 - 12/2019
  • MYRTE: MYRRHA Research and Transmutation Endeavour, 04/2015 - 09/2019
  • NetFlot: Flotation processing techniques for ores separation and concentration, 01/2016 - 12/2018
  • NEWS: NEw WindowS on the universe and technological advancements from trilateral EU-US-Japan collaboration, 07/2017 - 06/2021
  • NEXT: New Exploration Technologies, 05/2018 - 04/2021
  • npSCOPE: The nanoparticle-scope: A new integrated instrument for accurate and reproducible physico-chemical characterisation of nanoparticles, 01/2017 - 12/2020
  • OptimOre: Increasing yield on Tungsten and Tantalum ore production by means of advanced and flexible control on crushing, milling and separation process, 12/2014 - 11/2017
  • PreMa: Energy efficient, primary production of manganese ferroalloys through the application of novel energy systems in the drying and pre-heating of furnace feed materials., 10/2018 - 09/2022
  • PreFlex: Pre-treatment and physical separation of complex low grade ores and residues, 01/2016 - 12/2018
  • RMProSchool: EIT RM High Level Professional School, 01/2016 - 12/2019
  • RADIATE: Research And Development with Ion Beams – Advancing Technology in Europe, 01/2019 - 12/2022
  • RADICAL: Fundamental Breakthrough in Detection of Atmospheric Free Radicals, 11/2020 - 10/2024
  • RadoNorm: Towards effective radiation protection based on improved scientific evidence and social considerations - focus on radon and NORM, 09/2020 - 08/2025
  • SANDA: Supplying Accurate Nuclear Data for energy and non-energy Applications, 09/2019 - 08/2023
  • SESAME: thermal hydraulics Simulations and Experiments for the Safety Assessment of MEtal cooled reactors, 04/2015 - 03/2019
  • SisAl Pilot: Innovative pilot for Silicon production with low environmental impact using secondary Aluminium and silicon raw materials,
    05/2020 - 04/2024
  • SlovakION: Slovak Centre of Excellence in Ion Beam and Plasma Technologies for Materials Engineering and Nanotechnology, 06/2015 - 05/2016
  • SOTERIA: Safe long term operation of light water reactors based on improved understanding of radiation effects in nuclear structural materials, 09/2015 - 08/2019
  • Start-up KIC Raw Materials: Start-up activities in order to set up the EIT Raw Materials Knowledge and Innovation Community - EIT RM, 01/2015 - 12/2015
  • STRUMAT-LTO: STRUctural MATerials research for safe Long Term Operation of LWR NPPs, 09/2020 - 08/2024
  • SULTAN: European Training Network for the remediation and reprocessing of sulfidic mining waste sites, 09/2018 - 08/2022
  • SuperEMFL: Superconducting magnets for the European Magnet Field Laboratory, 01/2021 - 12/2024
  • TOMOCON: Smart tomographic sensors for advanced industrial process control, 09/2017 - 08/2021
  • TOP: Towards the Bottom of the Periodic Table, 01/2018 - 12/2022
  • TRANSPIRE: Terahertz RAdio communication using high ANistropy SPIn torque REsonators, 01/2017 - 12/2020