Building a Target Network for Advanced Laser Light Sources

EUCALL Satellite Workshop

Dresden night

Workshop on Building a Target Network for Advanced Laser Light Sources


29 - 31 August 2016
Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf
Dresden, Germany

In the next few years a number of paneuropean advanced laser light user facilities will become available for the scientific community, promising major breakthroughs for high energy density physics, relativistic laser plasmas, high pressure science, planetary and astrophysics, advanced accelerators and study of materials under extreme conditions. Most of these facilities will give the possibility of performing high repetition rate experiments, typically in the 1-10 Hz range, corresponding to a requirement of thousands targets per day. Therefore, target availability could very likely become a limiting factor preventing to exploit the full potential of advanced laser and X-ray facilities. The development of a target network for advanced laser light sources would be a strategic asset to ensure the availability of state of the art targets and to promote the formulation of common strategies to address issues related to target delivery and irradiation at high repetition rate.

The main goals of the workshop are:

  • assessing target needs and current target supply strategies
  • discussion of a strategy to develop a target fabrication and characterization network
  • production of a joint "white paper"

Consideration of a target fabrication network (file pdf)(1)


Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf
Bautzner Landstrasse 400
01328 Dresden, Germany

Organizing Committee

Mihail Cernaianu, ELI NP
Thomas E. Cowan, HZDR
Guillame Fiquet, IMPMC
Zuzana Konopkova, European XFEL
Daniele Margarone, ELI Beamlines
Sakura Pascarelli, ESRF
Irene Prencipe, HZDR
Martin Tolley, STFC

Target survey

The definition of a joint strategy for a target fabrication and characterization network will require an assessment of the community needs in terms of targets, the current supply strategies and the current/foreseen capabilities of target fabrication laboratories and user facilities. To this aim, we ask you to fill our survey on these themes.

Please, give your contribution!

Download questionnaire: Target survey document(2)

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