Conference venue

The conference takes place at Dresden, capital of the free state of Saxony which is one of the sixteen states of Germany.

Dresden features a world-wide recognition for its architectural splendor, a broad range of museums, theatars, concert halls, and last but not least the opera house "Semper Oper" with its world class orchestra. Make sure to book tickets for the opera and for theaters in advance.

As always, wikipedia knows much more:

(Picture removed due to digital rights issues)

The Academy of Arts (1894 - ) upfront and the
Dresden Frauenkirche (1743 - 1945 and 2005 - )

Conference hall

The conference hall is located at the campus of Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf about 15 km from downtown Dresden. Public transportation stops in front of the lecture hall. HZDR entrance building and lecture hall

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Prof. Dr. Thomas Cowan

Direktor Institut für Strahlen­physik
Tel.: +49 351 260 2270

Prof. Dr. Ulrich Schramm

Direktor Institut für Strahlen­physik und Lei­ter Abtei­lung Laser-Teilchenbeschleuni­gung
Tel.: +49 351 260 2471

Anne Varga

Sekretärin Institut für Strahlen­physik
Tel.: +49 351 260 3293

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