Campus Fire Brigade - News

Campus Fire Brigade Rossendorf

Deutsche Version

Fire Warning on campus

2 low danger(22.07.2024 14:12)

Forest code of conduct

Ignition of fire in the forest is prohibited the whole year. This includes smoking, barbecue, camp fires as well as the usage of "sky-lamps". The ban is based on the Saxon Forest Act (§15 SächsWaldG). Violation constitutes administrative offence and will be prosecuted with high civil penalties by the forest authorities. There is another 100 m fire-ban zone around any forest, where fires must not be inflamed. Exceptions can be requested with the forest authorities.

Since Jan 1st 2009 usage of so called "sky lamps" (also known as "Kong-Ming-Lights", "Wish-Lights") is banned. Unauthorized usage will be prosecuted with fines up to 1000 EUR.

Driving motor vehicles on non-public forest tracks is prohibited (§11 Saxon Forest Act). Ground vegetation layer tends to be highly flammable and could cause large forest fires. Access roads must not be blocked by any vehicle as they are an essential access point for fire-fighters, first responders (in case of emergency) as well as lumberjack and other personal.

Special rules of conduct while alert level 4 and above

While alert level is 3 and above it is strongly recommended not to enter the northern (Saxony) pinewood forests. If hiking or otherwise entering a forest, main paths should not be abandoned.

In case of fire call emergency (phone 112) immediately.

Fire Warning Saxony

current situation in Saxony (Saxon Forest Authority)