Publikationsrepositorium - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

1 Publikation

“Recent developments at the Dresden High Magnetic Field Laboratory”

Wosnitza, J.; Bianchi, A. D.; Herrmannsdörfer, T.; Zherlitsyn, S.; Zvyagin, S.


A high magnetic field laboratory for pulsed non-destructive fields up to 100 T is under construction at the Forschungszentrum Rossendorf, situated at the outskirts of Dresden, Germany. Besides the ultimate goal of a pulsed magnet reaching 100 T for a timescale of 10 ms in a bore of 20 mm, further large-scale magnets (e.g. 60 T, 0.5 s, 40 mm) are planned. The necessary energy for the pulsed coils will be provided by a world-unique 50 MJ capacitor bank working at 24 kV that became operational this year (2006) within a newly built laboratory building. As an outstanding feature of the laboratory, the intense light of a next-door free-electron-laser facility will enable unique high-field infrared spectroscopy. Dedicated coil-winding facilities allow a fast realization of novel self-designed pulsed coils with diameters up to 750 mm. After a thorough test period of the coil design, user-type coils for up to 65 T, 10 ms, and bore of 20 mm, made out of soft copper wire with Zylon reinforcement, have been wound and tested successfully with high-field pulses repeatedly. The first large-scale coil for magnetic fields above 70 T with 100 ms pulse length and 24 mm bore has been realized. A two-coil system for the decisive goal of 100 T is scheduled. First tests of these high-energy coils will be performed in the near future. Cryotechniques and different sample probes for a broad range of experimental techniques custom-designed for the variety of pulsed magnets will be readily available for users and own in-house research. The new Hochfeld-Magnetlabor Dresden (HLD) is planned to open as user facility in 2007.

  • Eingeladener Vortrag (Konferenzbeitrag)
    Megagauss 2006, 05.-10.11.2006, Santa Fe, USA


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