Publikationsrepositorium - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

1 Publikation

The MHD α²-dynamo, Z2-graded pseudo-Hermiticity, level crossings, and exceptional points of branching type

Günther, U.; Stefani, F.; Gerbeth, G.


The spectral branching behavior of the 2×2 operator matrix of the magneto-hydrodynamic α²-dynamo is analyzed numerically. Some qualitative aspects of level crossings are briefly discussed with the help of a simple toy model which is based on a Z2-graded-pseudo-Hermitian 2×2 matrix. The considered issues comprise: the underlying SU(1,1) symmetry and the Krein space structure of the system, exceptional points of branching type and diabolic points, as well as the algebraic and geometric multiplicity of corresponding degenerate eigenvalues.

  • Czechoslovak Journal of Physics 54(2004), 1075-1089


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