Publikationsrepositorium - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

1 Publikation

300 mm CMOS-compatible superconducting HfN and ZrN thin films for quantum applications

Potjan, R.; Wislicenus, M.; Ostien, O.; Hoffmann, R.; Lederer, M.; Reck, A.; Emara, J.; Roy, L.; Lilienthal-Uhlig, B.; Wosnitza, J.


The rising interest in increased manufacturing maturity of quantum processing units is pushing the development of alternative superconducting materials for semiconductor fab process technology. However, these are often facing CMOS process incompatibility. In contrast to common CMOS materials, such as Al, TiN, and TaN, reports on the superconductivity of other suitable transition-metal nitrides are scarce, despite potential superiority. Here, we demonstrate fully CMOS-compatible fabrication of HfN and ZrN thin films on state-of-the-art 300mm semiconductor process equipment, utilizing reactive DC magnetron sputtering on silicon wafers. Measurement of mechanical stress and surface roughness of the thin films demonstrates process compatibility. We investigated the materials phase and stoichiometry by structural analysis. The HfN and ZrN samples exhibit superconducting phase transitions with critical temperatures up to 5.84 and 7.32 K, critical fields of 1.73 and 6.40 T, and coherence lengths of 14 and 7 nm, respectively. A decrease in the critical temperature with decreasing film thickness indicates mesoscopic behavior due to geometric and grain-size limitations. The results promise a scalable application of HfN and ZrN in quantum computing and related fields.

Beteiligte Forschungsanlagen

  • Hochfeld-Magnetlabor (HLD)


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