Publikationsrepositorium - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

1 Publikation

Data publication: Code for performing simulations on the evolutionary stability of territorial retention strategies.

Saraiva De Menezes, J. F.; Oliveira-Santos, L. G. R.


This is the supplementary material for the submission of "Heterogenous and continuous resource distribution promote diversity in territorial behavior." to the journal "Ecological modelling". In this dataset, one can find the simulation code used to determine the evolutionary stability of 4 territorial strategies: cautious, common-sense, paradoxical, and daring. Strategies varied in their space utilization after losing or winning a conflict. Simulations.r contains the code for running the simulation and generating the data files presented in data/paper II. However, for the simulation to run, it needs acessory functions which are coded in Library/simulation library.r. Figures.r is the code used to generate the figures 1-7 in the paper. Analysis on number of conflicts.r contains figure 8 and the analysis that lead to it.

Keywords: game theory; fluid dynamics; movement ecology; evolutionary stable strategy; modelling; simulation



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