Publikationsrepositorium - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

1 Publikation

Combine single-shot coherent transition radiation spectroscopy and imaging to determine the µm/fs-scale electron phase-space of laser-plasma accelerators

Debus, A.; La Berge, M.


Goal: Determine the three dimensional, µm-scale structure of relativistic electron beams in single-shot acquisition.
Measurements: Single-shot CTR spectroscopy (200nm – 12µm) + electron spectra and profiles + far-field and near-field imaging (~10 CCDs, 400-1000nm)
Data extraction challenge: Solve inverse problem to determine the initial 3D electron distribution.

  • Sonstiger Vortrag (Online Präsentation)
    Laserlab-Europe: Network on Data Analysis in Imaging and Spectroscopy -- Kick-off meeting, 30.3.2021, Virtuell, Deutschland


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