Publikationsrepositorium - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

1 Publikation

alpaka-group/alpaka: Version 0.6.0: New Backends and Useability Improvements

Worpitz, B.; Widera, R.; Bastrakov, S.; Hübl, A.; Ehrig, S.; Gruber, B. M.; Kelling, J.; Krude, J.; Stephan, J.


The alpaka library is a header-only C++14 abstraction library for accelerator development. Its aim is to provide performance portability across accelerators through the abstraction of the underlying levels of parallelism.

Keywords: CUDA; HPC; alpaka; OpenMP; HIP; C++; GPU; heterogeneous computing; performance portability

  • Software in externem Daten-Repositorium
    Publication year 2021
    Programming language: C++
    System requirements: OS: Linux, Windows, or OSX requirements: C++14 compiler, boost 1.65.1+
    License: MPL-2.0
    Hosted on Link to location
    DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4452636


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