Publikationsrepositorium - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

1 Publikation

Annual Report 2020 - Institute of Ion Beam Physics and Materials Research

Faßbender, J.; Helm, M.; Zahn, P.


As for everybody else also for the Institute of Ion Beam Physics and Materials Research (IIM), the COVID-19 pandemic overshadowed the usual scientific life in 2020. Starting in March, home office became the preferred working environment and the typical institute life was disrupted. After a little relaxation during summer and early fall, the situation became again more serious and in early December we had to severely restrict laboratory activities and the user operation of the Ion Beam Center (IBC). For the most part of 2020, user visits were impossible and the services delivered had to be performed hands-off. This led to a significant additional work load on the IBC staff. Thank you very much for your commitment during this difficult period. By now user operation has restarted, but we are still far from business as usual. Most lessons learnt deal with video conference systems, and everybody now has extensive experience in skype, teams, webex, zoom, or any other solution available. Conferences were cancelled, workshops postponed, and seminar or colloquia talks delivered online. Since experimental work was also impeded, maybe 2020 was a good year for writing publications and applying for external funding. In total, 204 articles have been published with an average impact factor of about 7.0, which both mark an all-time high for the Institute. 13 publications from last year are highlighted in this Annual Report to illustrate the wide scientific spectrum of our institute. In addition, 20 new projects funded by EU, DFG, BMWi/AiF and SAB with a total budget of about 5.7 M€ have started. Thank you very much for making this possible.
Also, in 2020 there have been a few personalia to be reported. Prof. Dr. Sibylle Gemming has left the HZDR and accepted a professor position at TU Chemnitz. Congratulations! The hence vacant position as the head of department was taken over by PD Dr. Artur Erbe by Oct. 1st. Simultaneously, the department has been renamed to “Nanoelectronics”. Dr. Alina Deac has left the institute in order to dedicate herself to new opportunities at the Dresden High Magnetic Field Laboratory. Dr. Matthias Posselt went to retirement after 36 years at the institute. We thank Matthias for his engagement and wish him all the best for the upcoming period of his life.
However, also new equipment has been setup and new laboratories founded. A new 100 kV accelerator is integrated into our low energy ion nanoengineering facility and complements our ion beam technology in the lower energy regime. This setup is particularly suited to perform ion implantation into 2D materials and medium energy ion scattering (MEIS).
Finally, we would like to cordially thank all partners, friends, and organizations who supported our progress in 2020. First and foremost we thank the Executive Board of the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, the Minister of Science and Arts of the Free State of Saxony, and the Ministers of Education and Research, and of Economic Affairs and Energy of the Federal Government of Germany. Many partners from univer¬sities, industry and research institutes all around the world contributed essentially, and play a crucial role for the further development of the institute. Last but not least, the directors would like to thank all members of our institute for their efforts in these very special times and excellent contributions in 2020.

Beteiligte Forschungsanlagen

Verknüpfte Publikationen

  • Open Access Logo Wissenschaftlich-Technische Berichte / Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf; HZDR-112 2021
    ISSN: 2191-8708, eISSN: 2191-8716



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