Publikationsrepositorium - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

1 Publikation

In-situ investigations of ion implantation at ROBL-MRH

Baehtz, C.; Grenzer, J.; von Borany, J.; Posselt, M.


The Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR) operates since 1998 a bending magnet beamline with two end stations at the ESRF, Grenoble. In 2011 the complete beamline optics was renewed with new focusing mirrors and a double crystal monochromator equipped with3 pairs of differently oriented Si-crystals and two sets of multilayers. The Materials Research Station is focusing on in-situ measurements using different scattering techniques like XRR, GISAXS, HRXRD or GIXRD that can be combined with spectroscopy measurements. In the center of interest are the CVD growth of graphite materials, phase change materials under operation and hydrogen storage materials. Additionally the syntheses of various nano-structured materials by magnetron sputtering were explored. A similar sample environment is used to investigate in-operando the He and Ar-ion implantation processes on single crystalline Si and Al2O3. Ions were provided by an ion gun operated at 5 keV, an additional potential of up to 20keV on the sample was applied to accelerate the ions further. Using a Mythen detector, a series of reciprocal space maps were recorded with duration of less than 1 minute per map. The crystal truncation rod vanished within the first seconds of He-ion bombardment. In the following the Si (004) reflection broadens, forming a layer peak that give clearly a hint of increasing strain in the material. After 50 minutes a steadystate that correspond to a heavily damaged or amorphized Si layer is reached

Keywords: Synchrotron radiation; in-Situ investigation; magnetron sputtering; ion implantation

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  • Poster
    Deutsche Tagung für Forschung mit Synchrotronstrahlung, Neutronen und Ionenstrahlen an Großgeräten 2014, 21.-23.09.2014, Bonn, Deutschland


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