Publikationsrepositorium - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

1 Publikation

Bestimmung der mikrobiellen Diversität von Biofilmen mit Schwerpunkt des Nachweises von eukaryonten Mikroorganismen in Uran kontaminierten Milieus

Zirnstein, I.


The Eukaryote diversity of the biofilms from two uranium-contaminated habitats (uranium mine Königstein in Saxony and the “Gessenhalde” next to the former leaching dump Ronneburg inThuringia) were studied by microscopical and molecular analysis (18S rDNA PCR). In the sulphate- and heavy metal-rich acidic mine drainage water of the uranium mine Königstein biofilms are formed as gelatinous filaments in the drainage channels and as stalactite-like snotites hanging from the ceilings. The results showed a low Eukaryote diversity of the sampled biofilms. Amoebozoa, Ciliophora and Heterolobosea were the dominants species. Fungi, Rotatoria und Flagellates were only present in minor amounts. Apikomplexa and Acari were detected sporadically. The creek of the Gessenwiese next to the former uranium field Ronneburg is characterized by an acid pH and a high concentration of sulphate. The biofilms are formed as thick algae mats are in form of filamentous stream biofilms. The diversity of Eukaryotes of these biofilms is higher in comparison to the biofilms of the uranium mine Königstein due to the environmental influence. The green algae Microspora and Klebsormidium dominated the sampled biofilm of the creek. In addition, Diatoms, Flagellates, Ciliates, Rotatoria, Amoebozoa, Fungi, Cryptophycaea, Heliozoa, Gastrotricha, Chrysophycaea, Insecta and Bryophyta were analyzed. The season-dependent differences between the diversity of Eukaryote groups were low. Algae cultures of the biofilms and algae single-culture of Klebsormidium sp. were analyzed with analytical methods and TEM/EDX using different pH. An accumulation of uranium at the algae cell wall of the single-culture of Klebsormidium sp. was only determined using a pH of 6.57 of the culture medium.

Keywords: microbial diversity; biofilms; uranium

  • Diplomarbeit
    TU Dresden, FZD, 2010
    115 Seiten


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