Assoc. Professor Brett M Paterson

Foto: Dr Brett M. Paterson ©Copyright: private

Source: private

Curriculum vitae

Current Position  
Associate Professor, Head of Radiochemistry, Centre for Advanced Imaging, Australian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology, University of Queensland, Australia 2021
PhD Chemistry, University of Melbourne, Australia 2011
BSc (Hons) 1st Class and BEng (Chem), University of Melbourne, Australia 2006
Previous appointments  
National Imaging Facility Fellow, Monash Biomedical Imaging and School of Chemistry, Monash University 2019 - 2021
ARC Discovery Early Career Research Fellow 2017 - 2019
Victorian Government, Victorian Post-doctoral Research Fellow, King’s College London and University of Melbourne 2014 - 2016
Post-doctoral Research Fellow, University of Melbourne 2011 - 2013
Reference to publications  

ORCID ID: 0000-0002-7768-811X

Scopus ResearcherID: A-2042-2016

ISI publications 52

h-index 28


Fields of interest  
Inorganic and organic synthesis, Radiochemistry, Bioconjugation, Molecular Imaging, Theranostics