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HZDR User Guide

Eyecatcher User ©Copyright: Prof. Dr. Schramm, Ulrich, Schramm Prof. Dr., Ulrich; FWKT partially based on photos by A. Wirsig, R. Weisflog, W. Bergmoser

General information which may help you to prepare your beamtime

Proposal Application Procedure:

Access to our user facilities can only provided based on a proposal procedure. Proposals have to be submitted via the portal HZDR-GATE . The scientific quality of the proposals is evaluated and ranked by an external international review panel.

After receiving the confirmation that your application was suscessfull you will also get an information about the scheduling either directly via your user section in GATE or via E-mail from the responsible beamline scientist.

Before your stay:

If required don't forget to do the radiation safety training before your visit. You will find an information in your user section in GATE.
You have also to appoint experimentalists who will be on site.
The HZDR has its own guesthouse and you may book your rooms directly.

On site:

You will need to prove your identidy with a passport or ID card. Afterwards you will receive a badge which gives you access to certain areas.The badge is valid for the duration of the experiment.

After your experiments:

Your will get a request to submit the experimental report and to give a short feedback via the GATE system after your experiments are finished. According to our Terms and Conditions for User Access scientists received beamtime are also expected to publish their results and shall acknowledge the support of HZDR.

Data policy:

The HZDR approves the principle of open access to research data. The HZDR supports its guests in the fulfillment of the requirements of funders and of the scientific community. To this end, it provides the necessary infrastructure for data management and regulates the access to research data by these terms and conditions. Open access to research data should be ensured wherever possible taking the pathway of the citable data publication.