Research Facilities at HZDR

Scientific research equipment of national and international importance is operated at the HZDR, and as such, the HZDR is coordinating member and partner of numerous projects and collaborations. In these films and animation, we present this equipment at HZDR.

ELBE: "Insights into the Nano-World"

Scientists working in materials research today often aim at improving materials on the nano-scale. Therefore, they have to look into this nano-world. Positrons, the anti-particles of electrons, can help visualizing nano-defects. They can be generated at the ELBE Center for High-Power Radiation Sources of the HZDR.

More on ELBE

European Magnetic Field Laboratory film on the Dresden High Magnetic Field Laboratory: "Science in High Magnetic Fields"

The Dresden High Magnetic Field Laboratory (Hochfeld-Magnetlabor Dresden, HLD, Germany) focuses on modern materials research in high magnetic fields. The HLD is part of the European Magnetic Field Laboratory (EMFL), a collaboration of three research institutes in Germany, France and the Netherlands. It is the mission of the EMFL to generate the highest possible magnetic fields for use in scientific research and make them available to the scientific community.

Website of the European Magnetic Field Laboratory

Dresden High Magnetic Field Laboratory: "100 Years of Superconductivity"

The Dresden High Magnetic Field Laboratory (HLD) at the HZDR conducts modern materials science using high magnetic fields. It is now offering record fields of beyond 90 teslas to scientific users.

More on the Dresden High Magnetic Field Laboratory (HLD)

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