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New cancer therapy - Proton therapy

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Title New cancer therapy - Proton therapy
Description A new therapy facility for cancer is being built in Dresden: At the "National Center for Radiation Research in Oncology - OncoRay", proton therapy is being further developed close to the patient. Proton therapy is particularly precise in the fight against cancer and at the same time gentle on healthy tissue. The treatment area is located in the center of a huge steel construction equipped with magnets. This can be rotated through 360 degrees so that the proton beam can be precisely aligned. The supporting institutions of "OncoRay" are the Carl Gustav Carus University Hospital, the Medical Faculty of the Technical University of Dresden and the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR).
Copyright HZDR/OncoRay
Picture Id 42892
Date 01.10.2014
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