
Prof. Dr. Thomas Cowan

Director Institute of Radiation Physics
Phone: +49 351 260 2270

Prof. Dr. Ulrich Schramm

Director Institute for Radiation Physics and Head Laser Particle Acceleration Division
Phone: +49 351 260 2471

Anne Varga

Secretary Institute of Radiation Physics
Phone: +49 351 260 3293

Center for Radiopharmaceutical Tumor Research at HZDR

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Title Center for Radiopharmaceutical Tumor Research at HZDR
Description The Center for Radiopharmaceutical Tumor Research at the HZDR offers space for laboratories and clean rooms, a cyclotron and an area for imaging on animal models.
Copyright HZDR/Rainer Weisflog
Picture Id 48523
Date 26.10.2016
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