Transfer into society

Foto: Verleihung der HZDR-Preise 2016 am 3. Mai 2017 ©Copyright: André Wirsig

The work of the Institute of Resource Ecology on the protection of man and the environment from the effects of radioactive radiation is and remains of high socio-political relevance. We take this into account with our activities in the German Working Group on Repository Research (DAEF), the Competence Center East for Nuclear Technology, the Competence Network Nuclear Technology, the Competence Network Radiation Research (KVSF), the Disposal Commission (SEK-EL), the Radiation Protection Commission (SSK) and the German Chemical Society (GDCh). In addition, we maintain an intensive exchange with the interested public and political decision-makers.

The results of our scientific work allow us to critically monitor developments (new reactors, repository sites close to the border, assessments of accidents in other European countries. In this context, we also contribute our expertise to international bodies (IAEA, OECD/NEA).

Prof. Dr. Thorsten Stumpf

Prof. Dr. Karim Fahmy

Prof. Dr. Vinzenz Brendler

Prof. Dr. Kristina Kvashnina

Dr. Eberhard Altstadt

Dr. Susanne Sachs

Dr. Thuro Arnold

  • Member of the EURADSCIENCE executive group
  • HZDR contact person, member of the board of directors, and leader of Working group NORM of the European Radioecology Alliance

Dr. Sören Kliem

Dr. Katharina Müller

Dr. Frank Bok