Construction work and closure of the B6 between April 22nd and October 25th.

Construction phase 2 is completed now. Construction phase 3 is devided in phase 3 and 4 now:
Since July 20th, the B6 will be open for residents and neighbors of "Rossendorf Siedlung" and recycling center. Due to constructions in front of HZDR gate 1 this gate remains closed for cars and busses.
After August 5th (construction phase 4), the B6 will be open in direction of Bischofswerda.
Further information about changes will be published here.

Dear Colleagues,

preparatory work took place in February 2024. Next work phases and publications, shown on Employees Meeting in April 2024:

Please also refer to the websites of the bus operators (DVB, RVSOE, VVO, OVPS) and inform yourself about route and time changes.

Coming from the direction of Bischofswerda, the HZDR will be accessible via the B6, as well as via the Dittersbacher Tor.

The construction work will take place in 3 phases:

Phase 1 (22.04.-20.06.) and Phase 3 (04.08.-25.10.)

From April 22 onwards, signs will be erected indicating the upcoming traffic restrictions and detour.

After the construction site has been set up, the B6 will be one-way from the Schänkhübel junction to HZDR (direction Bischofswerda) from April 27 and after completion of construction phase 2 from August 04 onwards.

Changes to bus services

The bus stop Siedlung Rossendorf will not be served. The bus coming from Dresden will only stop at the bus stops Rossendorf Schänkhübel and Rossendorf Forschungszentrum.
Buses coming from Sebnitz will travel from Rossendorf Forschungszentrum through HZDR via Dittersbach-Eschdorf to Rossendorf Schänkhübel without stopping. Please pay attention to this additional traffic within the research center!

Phase 2 (20.06.-04.08.)

Complete closure of the B6: The HZDR can only be reached via the B6 from the direction of Bischofswerda and via the Dittersbacher Tor.

Changes to bus services

Buses traffic in both directions through the HZDR.

Access by bike

During the entire period of the partial and full closure, the sidewalk northeast of Schänkhübel on Bautzner Landstraße will be open to cyclists.

Planned final state

The Rossendorf Siedlung bus stops will be enlarged and newly illuminated. The junction to the old entrance to the HZDR and the recycling center will be converted into a 90° ejunction, also reduced from 2 to 1 lane. The cycle path will run from Schänkhübel to the new entrance to the HZDR. Planning for the continuing cycle path in the direction of Bischofswerda is already underway. The road between Schänkhübel and the new entrance will be completely renovated.

If you have any questions, please contact the campus security department (M. Dethloff).

Best regards,

Jens Steiner                                                            Dirk Reichelt

Works Council Rossendorf                                     Central Department Technical Services