List of publications, Division of Nuclear Physics, 2023/2024

Publications in 2024

Click here for publications in 2023/2024, 2021/2022, 2019/2020, 2017/2018, 2015/2016, 2013/2014, 2011/2012, 2009/2010, 1997-2008

Nuclear Physics and Nuclear Astrophysics

Recent results and future perspectives with solid targets at LUNA

C. Ananna; L. Barbieri; A. Boeltzig; M. Campostrini; F. Casaburo; G. Francesco Ciani; A. Compagnucci; R. Maria Gesuè; J. Marsh; E. Masha; D. Mercogliano; D. Rapagnani; D. Robb; R. Singh Sidhu; J. Skowronski

Nuclear Physics Mid Term Plan at LNGS

R. Buompane; F. Cavanna; C. Curceanu; A. D’Onofrio; A. Di Leva; A. Formicola; L. Gialanella; C. Gustavino; G. Imbriani; M. Junker; A. Marcianò; F. Marzaioli; R. Nania; F. Napolitano; K. Piscicchia; O. Straniero; C. Abia; M. Aliotta; D. Bemmerer; A. Best; A. Boeltzig; C. Bruno; A. Caciolli; A. Chieffi; G. Ciani; G. D’Agata; R. J. Deboer; M. de Cesare; D. Dell’Aquila; R. Depalo; I. Dominguez; F. Ferraro; J. Garcia Duarte; A. Guglielmetti; G. Gyürky; S. Hayakawa; M. La Cognata; L. Lamia; L. E. Marcucci; E. Masha; M. Mazzocco; E. L. Morales-Gallegos; S. Palmerini; I. Passariello; A. Petraglia; D. Piatti; M. Pignatari; R. G. Pizzone; G. Porzio; D. Rapagnani; G. G. Rapisarda; S. Romano; M. Rubino; C. Santonastaso; M. L. Sergi; J. Skowronski; R. Spartà; F. Terrasi; A. Tumino; S. Turkat; M. Wiescher; S. Zavatarelli

Der Einbrennvorgang des Bethe-Weizsäcker-Zyklus

D. Bemmerer; S. Rümmler; Y. Herrera

Involved research facilities

  • Felsenkeller

Systematic investigation of the Pygmy Dipole Resonance near the magic N = 82 shell closure

F. Kluwig; M. Müscher; D. Savran; R. Schwengner; T. Schüttler; A. Zilges

Involved research facilities

Related publications

Dipole excitations in open shell nuclides near the neutron threshold energy from (g,g') experiments: The case of Ge isotopes

N. Benouaret; R. Schwengner; R. Massarczyk; T. Shizuma; D. Bemmerer; R. Beyer; A. Junghans; A. Wagner

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Low-lying dipole response of 64Ni

M. Müscher; E. Litvinova; R. Schwengner; T. Beck; D. Bemmerer; F. Fiedler; S. W. Finch; S. Hammer; J. Isaak; R. V. F. Janssens; A. R. Junghans; N. Kelly; F. Kluwig; C. Krishi; S. E. Müller; K. Römer; D. Savran; M. Scheck; T. Schüttler; J. Sinclair; T. Szücs; W. Tornow; A. Wagner; J. Wilhelmy; A. Zilges

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Positron Annihilation Spectroscopy and Materials Research

Identification and suppression of point defects in bromide perovskite single crystals enabling gamma-ray spectroscopy

Z. Ni; L. Zhao; Z. Shi; A. Singh; J. Wiktor; M. O. Liedke; A. Wagner; Y. Dong; M. C. Beard; D. J. Keeble; J. Huang

Involved research facilities

Related publications

The Role of Defect Charge, Crystal Chemistry, and Crystal Structure on Positron Lifetimes of Vacancies in Oxides

A. Lopez-Bezanilla; F. A. Selim; M. O. Liedke; B. P. Uberuaga

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Defect dynamics studies during heat treatments in plastically deformed metals predicted for nuclear applications

K. Siemek; H. Soyama; M. Wróbel; M. O. Liedke; M. Butterling; A. Wagner; M. Kulczyk; P. Horodek

Involved research facilities

Related publications

Memory effect in photochromic rare-earth oxyhydride thin films studied by in situ positron annihilation spectroscopy upon photodarkening-bleaching cycling

Z. Wu; L. de Wit; M. Beek; G. Colombi; D. Chaykina; H. Schreuders; H. Schut; M. O. Liedke; M. Butterling; A. Wagner; M. Dickmann; E. Brück; B. Dam; S. W. H. Eijt

Involved research facilities

Related publications

Defect Microstructure Evolution in Immiscible Composite Cu43%Cr Alloy after High-Pressure Torsion and Annealing using Positron Annihilation Spectroscopy

I. Bibimoune; E. Hirschmann; M. O. Liedke; A. Wagner; M. Kawasaki; T. Baudin; I. Mkinsi; K. Abib; Y. Huang; T. G. Langdon; D. Bradai

Related publications

Defectivity of Al:ZnO Thin Films with Different Crystalline Order Probed by Positron Annihilation Spectroscopy

R. Magrin Maffei; M. Butterling; M. O. Liedke; S. D’Addato; A. Di Bona; G. Bertoni; G. C. Gazzadi; S. Mariazzi; A. Wagner; R. S. Brusa; S. Benedetti

Involved research facilities

Related publications

Consideration of the Effect of Nanoscale Porosity on Mass Transport Phenomena in PECVD Coatings

J. Franke; F. Zysk; S. Wilski; M. O. Liedke; M. Butterling; A. G. A. Elsherif; A. Wagner; T. D. Kühne; R. Dahlmann

Involved research facilities

Related publications

Revisiting Metal−Organic Frameworks Porosimetry by Positron Annihilation: Metal Ion States and Positronium Parameters

A. G. Attallah; V. Bon; K. Maity; R. Zaleski; E. Hirschmann; S. Kaskel; A. Wagner

Related publications

Room-temperature solid-state nitrogen-based magneto-ionics in CoxMn1-xN films

N. López-Pintó; C. J. Jensen; Z. Chen; Z. Tan; Z. Ma; M. O. Liedke; M. Butterling; A. Wagner; J. Herrero-Martín; E. Menéndez; J. Nogués; K. Liu; J. Sort

Involved research facilities

Related publications

Controlling magneto-ionics by defect engineering through light ion implantation

Z. Ma; S. Martins; Z. Tan; S. Chen; E. Monteblanco; M. O. Liedke; M. Butterling; A. G. A. Elsherif; E. Hirschmann; A. Wagner; L. Herrera Diez; E. Pellicer; D. Ravelosona; J. Sort; E. Menéndez

Involved research facilities

Related publications

Defect characterization of N-rich GaNAs ternary alloys

M. Grodzicki; M. O. Liedke; K. Moszak; W. Olszewski; Ł. Pawlaczyk; D. Majchrzak; R. Idczak; D. Pucicki; J. Serafińczuk; M. Butterling; E. Hirschmann; A. Wagner; R. Kudrawiec; D. Hommel

Involved research facilities

Related publications

Insights into the LiMn2O4 Cathode Stability in Aqueous Electrolyte

J. Carlos Gonzalez-Rosillo; M. Guc; M. O. Liedke; M. Butterling; A. G. A. Elsherif; E. Hirschmann; A. Wagner; V. Izquierdo-Roca; F. Baiutti; A. Morata; A. Tarancón

Involved research facilities

Related publications

Pore-Structure Investigation of Bimetallic Zeolitic Imidazolate Framework-8 Films with Varying Co/Zn Nodes Ratio Using Depth Sensitive Positronium Annihilation Lifetime Spectroscopy

R. Nelliyil; J. Mor; M. K. Thota; M. O. Liedke; M. Butterling; A. G. A. Elsherif; E. Hirschmann; A. Wagner; S. Sharma

Involved research facilities

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Modifying vacancy defects during systematic disordering of the Cr2AlC nano-lamellar system

J. Salgado Cabaco; M. O. Liedke; J. Navarro Pablo; F. Ganss; C. Magen; M. Ricardo Ibarra; U. Kentsch; M. Butterling; A. Wagner; J. Lindner; J. Faßbender; C. Leyens; R. Boucher; R. Bali

Involved research facilities

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Effect of annealing temperature on the structure and optical properties of ZnO thin films

K. V. Nimitha; P. N. Maya; S. Mukherjee; M. O. Liedke; M. Butterling; A. G. A. Elsherif; E. Hirschmann; A. Wagner; M. D. Benoy

Involved research facilities

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Evolution of point defects in pulsed-laser-melted Ge1-xSnx probed by positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy

O. Steuer; M. O. Liedke; M. Butterling; D. Schwarz; J. Schulze; Z. Li; A. Wagner; I. A. Fischer; R. Hübner; S. Zhou; M. Helm; G. Cuniberti; Y. Georgiev; S. Prucnal

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Optimizing Magneto-ionic Performance in Structure/Composition-Engineered Ternary Nitrides

Z. Ma; M. Peda; Z. Tan; E. Pellicer; M. O. Liedke; M. Butterling; A. G. A. Elsherif; E. Hirschmann; A. Wagner; F. Ibrahim; M. Chshiev; E. Menéndez; J. Sort

Involved research facilities

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Methodology and Medical Applications

Study of (n,α) reactions of interest for nuclear reactors: the case of 19F(n,α)16N with SCALP detector

A. Chevalier; F.-R. Lecolley; G. Lehaut; J.-L. Lecouey; N. Marie; L. Manduci; X. Ledoux; R. Beyer; A. Junghans; O. Bouland; O. Serot

Involved research facilities

Related publications

Characterization of organic glass scintillator bars and their potential for a hybrid neutron/gamma ray imaging system for proton radiotherapy range verification

J. A. B. Turko; A. Junghans; I. Meric; S. Müller; G. Pausch; H. N. Ratliff; K. Römer; S. Schellhammer; S. M. Setterdahl; S. Urlass; A. Wagner; T. Kögler

Involved research facilities

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Characterisation of a high granularity multi-channel prompt γ-ray detection system prototype for proton range verification based on the PETsys TOFPET2 ASIC

O. Novgorodova; A. Glatte; R. Hentges; T. Kögler; B. Lutz; K. Römer; T. Teichmann; D. Weinberger; A. Straessner

Involved research facilities

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Publications in 2023

Click here for publications in 2023/2024, 2021/2022, 2019/2020, 2017/2018, 2015/2016, 2013/2014, 2011/2012, 2009/2010, 1997-2008

Nuclear Physics and Nuclear Astrophysics

Deuterium burning measurement at LUNA and its astrophysical and nuclear implications

F. Cavanna; G. F. Ciani; E. Masha; D. Piatti

The n_TOF NEAR Station Commissioning and first physics case

M. E. Stamati; P. Torres-Sanchez; P. Perez-Maroto; A. Junghans; A. Wallner; The n_TOF Collaboration

Detector set up for the measurements of the neutron-induced fission cross section of 235U relative to n-p scattering up to 150 MeV at CERN-n_TOF

E. Pirovano; A. Manna; N. Colonna; A. Junghans; A. Wallner; The n_TOF Collaboration

Characterisation of the n_TOF 20 m beam line at CERN with the new spallation target

J. A. Pavon-Rodriguez; V. Alcayne; S. Amaducci; A. Junghans; The n_TOF Collaboration

Neutron capture and total cross-section measurements on 94,95,96Mo at n_TOF and GELINA

R. Mucciola; C. Paradela; A. Manna; A. Junghans; The n_TOF Collaboration

Measurement of the 235U(n,f) cross section relative to the 10B(n,α) reaction with Micromegas detectors at the CERN n_TOF facility: First results

V. Michalopoulou; M. Diakaki; R. Vlastou; A. Junghans; The n_TOF Collaboration

Measurement of the 160Gd(n, γ) cross section at n_TOF and its medical implications

M. Mastromarco; A. Manna; F. Garcia-Infantes; A. Junghans; A. Wallner; The n_TOF Collaboration

Neutron-induced cross section measurements

C. Massimi; O. Aberle; V. Alcayne; A. Junghans; S. Urlaß; A. Wallner; The n_TOF Collaboration

Characterization of a detector setup for the measurement of the 235U(n,f) cross section relative to n-p scattering up to 500 MeV at the n_TOF facility at CERN

A. Manna; E. Pirovano; N. Colonna; A. Junghans; The n_TOF Collaboration

New detection systems for an enhanced sensitivity in key stellar (n,γ) measurements

J. Lerendegui-Marco; V. Babiano-Suarez; J. Balibrea-Correa; A. Junghans; The n_TOF Collaboration

New perspectives for neutron capture measurements in the upgraded CERN-n_TOF Facility

J. Lerendegui-Marco; A. Casanovas; V. Alcayne; A. Junghans; The n_TOF Collaboration

Resonance region evaluation of 16O for criticality safety and reactor applications

L. Leal; N. Leclaire; A. Plompen; S. Urlass; A. Junghans

Involved research facilities

Related publications

First high resolution measurement of neutron capture resonances in 176Yb at the n_TOF CERN facility

F. Garcia-Infantes; J. Praena; A. Casanovas; A. Junghans; The n_TOF Collaboration

Overview of the dissemination of n_TOF experimental data and resonance parameters

E. Dupont; N. Otuka; D. Rochman; R. Beyer; The n_TOF collaboration

The neutron time-of-flight facility n_TOF at CERN Recent facility upgrades and detector developments

C. Domingo-Pardo; O. Aberle; V. Alcayne; A. Junghans; The n_TOF Collaboration

Compton imaging for enhanced sensitivity (n,γ) cross section TOF experiments: Status and prospects

C. Domingo-Pardo; V. Babiano-Suarez; J. Balibrea-Correa; A. Junghans; The n_TOF collaboration

First measurement of the 94Nb(n,γ) cross section at the CERN n_TOF facility

J. Balibrea-Correa; V. Babiano-Suarez; J. Lerendegui-Marco; A. Junghans; the n_TOF Collaboration

High resolution 80Se(n,γ) cross section measurement at CERN n_TOF

V. Babiano-Suarez; J. Balibrea-Correa; L. Caballero-Ontanaya; A. Junghans

A segmented total energy detector (sTED) for (n, γ) cross section measurements at n_TOF EAR2

V. Alcayne; D. Cano-Ott; J. Garcia; A. Junghans; The n_TOF Collaboration

Measurement of the neutron-induced fission cross section of 230Th at the CERN n_TOF facility

V. Michalopoulou; A. Stamatopoulos; M. Diakaki; A. Junghans; n_TOF Collaboration

The deep underground Bellotti Ion Beam Facility - status and perspectives

M. Junker; G. Imbriani; A. Best; A. Boeltzig; A. Compagnucci; A. Di Leva; F. Ferraro; D. Rapagnani; V. Rigato

Deep underground measurement of ¹¹B(α,n)¹⁴N

T. C. Borgwardt; R. J. Deboer; A. Boeltzig; M. Couder; J. Görres; A. Gula; M. Hanhardt; K. V. Manukyan; T. Kadlecek; D. Robertson; F. Strieder; M. Wiescher

CLYC as a neutron detector in low background conditions

J. Plaza; V. Bécares; D. Cano-Ott; C. Gómez; T. Martínez; E. Mendoza; A. Pérez De Rada; V. Pesudo; J. C. Sáez-Vergara; R. Santorelli; D. Villamarín; A. Ianni; C. Peña; J. Balibrea-Correa; A. Boeltzig; G. Imbriani

Measurement of the flux-weighted cross-sections for the natYb(γ,xn)175,169,167Yb reactions in the Bremsstrahlung end-point energies of 12 - 16 MeV and 60 - 70 MeV

H. Naik; G. N. Kim; R. Schwengner; J. Wooyoung; T. H. Nguyen; S. G. Shin; Y. Kye; R. Massarczyk; R. John; A. Junghans; A. Wagner; M. H. Cho

Involved research facilities

Related publications

First measurement of the low-energy direct capture in ²⁰Ne(p,γ)²¹Na and improved energy and strength of the E(c.m.) = 368 keV resonance

E. Masha; L. Barbieri; J. Skowronski; M. Aliotta; C. Ananna; F. Barile; D. Bemmerer; A. Best; A. Boeltzig; C. Broggini; C. G. Bruno; A. Caciolli; M. Campostrini; F. Casaburo; F. Cavanna; G. F. Ciani; A. Ciapponi; P. Colombetti; A. Compagnucci; P. Corvisiero; L. Csedreki; T. Davinson; R. Depalo; A. Di Leva; Z. Elekes; F. Ferraro; E. M. Fiore; A. Formicola; Z. Fülöp; G. Gervino; A. Guglielmetti; C. Gustavino; G. Gyürky; G. Imbriani; J. José; M. Junker; M. Lugaro; P. Manoj; P. Marigo; R. Menegazzo; V. Paticchio; D. Piatti; P. Prati; D. Rapagnani; V. Rigato; D. Robb; L. Schiavulli; R. S. Sidhu; O. Straniero; T. Szücs; S. Zavatarelli

First Direct Measurement Constraining the 34Ar(α,p)37K Reaction Cross Section for Mixed Hydrogen and Helium Burning in Accreting Neutron Stars

J. Browne; K. A. Chipps; K. Schmidt; H. Schatz; S. Ahn; S. D. Pain; F. Montes; W.-J. Ong; U. Greife; J. Allen; D. W. Bardayan; J. C. Blackmon; D. Blankstein; S. Cha; K. Y. Chae; M. Febbraro; M. R. Hall; K. L. Jones; A. Kontos; Z. Meisel; P. D. O’Malley; K. T. Schmitt; K. Smith; M. S. Smith; P. Thompson; R. Toomey; M. Vostinar; D. Walter

Search for 22Na in novae supported by a novel method for measuring femtosecond nuclear lifetimes

C. Fougères; F. de Oliveira Santos; J. José; C. Michelagnoli; E. Clément; Y. H. Kim; A. Lemasson; V. Guimarães; D. Barrientos; D. Bemmerer; G. Benzoni; A. J. Boston; R. Böttger; F. Boulay; A. Bracco; I. Celikovic; B. Cederwall; M. Ciemala; C. Delafosse; C. Domingo-Pardo; J. Dudouet; J. Eberth; Z. Fülöp; V. González; A. Gottardo; J. Goupil; H. Hess; A. Jungclaus; A. Kaskas; A. Korichi; S. M. Lenzi; S. Leoni; H. Li; J. Ljungvall; A. Lopez-Martens; R. Menegazzo; D. Mengoni; B. Million; J. Mrazek; D. R. Napoli; A. Navin; J. Nyberg; Z. Podolyak; A. Pullia; B. Quintana; D. Ralet; N. Redon; P. Reiter; K. Rezynkina; F. Saillant; M. D. Salsac; A. M. Sánchez-Benítez; E. Sanchis; M. Senyigit; M. Siciliano; N. A. Smirnova; D. Sohler; M. Stanoiu; C. Theisen; J. J. Valiente-Dobón; P. Ujic; M. Zielinska

Involved research facilities

Related publications

Photo-response of the N = Z nucleus 24Mg

J. Deary; M. Scheck; R. Schwengner; D. Odonnell; D. Bemmerer; R. Beyer; T. Hensel; A. R. Junghans; T. Kögler; S. E. Müller; K. Römer; K. Schmidt; S. Turkat; S. Urlaß; A. Wagner; M. Bowry; P. Adsley; O. Agar; R. Chapman; F. C. L. Crespi; D. T. Doherty; U. Friman-Gayer; R.-D. Herzberg; J. Isaak; R. V. F. Janssens; T. Kröll; B. Löher; B. S. Nara-Singh; P. von Neumann-Cosel; L. Pellegri; E. E. Peters; G. Rainovski; D. Savran; J. F. Smith; M. Spieker; P. G. Thirolf; S. Triambak; W. Tornow; M. Venhart; M. Wiedeking; O. Wieland; S. W. Yates; A. Zilges

Involved research facilities

Related publications

Improved S-factor of the 12C(p,γ)13N reaction at E =320-620 keV and the 422 keV resonance

J. Skowronski; E. Masha; D. Piatti; M. Aliotta; H. Babu; D. Bemmerer; A. Boeltzig; R. Depalo; A. Caciolli; F. Cavanna; L. Csedreki; Z. Fülöp; G. Imbriani; D. Rapagnani; S. Rümmler; K. Schmidt; R. S. Sidhu; T. Szücs; S. Turkat; A. Yadav

Involved research facilities

  • Felsenkeller

Proton-capture rates on carbon isotopes and their impact on the astrophysical 12C/13C ratio

J. Skowronski; A. Boeltzig; G. F. Ciani; L. Csedreki; D. Piatti; M. Aliotta; C. Ananna; F. Barile; D. Bemmerer; A. Best; C. Broggini; C. G. Bruno; A. Caciolli; M. Campostrini; F. Cavanna; P. Colombetti; A. Compagnucci; P. Corvisiero; T. Davinson; R. Depalo; A. Di Leva; Z. Elekes; F. Ferraro; A. Formicola; Z. Fülöp; G. Gervino; R. M. Gesue; A. Guglielmetti; C. Gustavino; G. Gyürky; G. Imbriani; M. Junker; M. Lugaro; P. Marigo; E. Masha; R. Menegazzo; V. Paticchio; R. Perrino; P. Prati; D. Rapagnani; V. Rigato; L. Schiavulli; R. S. Sidhu; O. Straniero; T. Szücs; S. Zavatarelli

Advances and new ideas for neutron-capture astrophysics experiments at CERN n_TOF

C. Domingo-Pardo; V. Babiano-Suarez; J. Balibrea-Correa; L. Caballero; I. Ladarescu; J. Lerendegui-Marco; J. L. Tain; A. Tarifeño-Saldivia; O. Aberle; V. Alcayne; S. Altieri; S. Amaducci; J. Andrzejewski; M. Bacak; C. Beltrami; S. Bennett; A. P. Bernardes; E. Berthoumieux; M. Boromiza; D. Bosnar; M. Caamaño; F. Calviño; M. Calviani; D. Cano-Ott; A. Casanovas; F. Cerutti; G. Cescutti; S. Chasapoglou; E. Chiaveri; N. M. Chiera; P. Colombetti; N. Colonna; P. C. Camprini; G. Cortés; M. A. Cortés-Giraldo; L. Cosentino; S. Cristallo; S. Dellmann; C. M. Di; M. S. Di; M. Diakaki; M. Dietz; R. Dressler; E. Dupont; I. Durán; Z. Eleme; S. Fargier; B. Fernández; B. Fernández-Domínguez; P. Finocchiaro; S. Fiore; F. García-Infantes; A. Gawlik-Ramięga; G. Gervino; S. Gilardoni; E. González-Romero; C. Guerrero; F. Gunsing; C. Gustavino; J. Heyse; W. Hillman; D. G. Jenkins; E. Jericha; A. Junghans; Y. Kadi; K. Kaperoni; F. Käppeler; G. Kaur; A. Kimura; I. Knapová; U. Köster; M. Kokkoris; M. Krtička; N. Kyritsis; C. Lederer-Woods; G. Lerner; A. Manna; T. Martínez; A. Masi; C. Massimi; P. Mastinu; M. Mastromarco; E. A. Maugeri; A. Mazzone; E. Mendoza; A. Mengoni; P. M. Milazzo; I. Mönch; R. Mucciola; F. Murtas; E. Musacchio-Gonzalez; A. Musumarra; A. Negret; D. R. A. Pérez; P. Pérez-Maroto; N. Patronis; J. A. Pavón-Rodríguez; M. G. Pellegriti; J. Perkowski; C. Petrone; E. Pirovano; J. Plaza; S. Pomp; I. Porras; J. Praena; J. M. Quesada; R. Reifarth; D. Rochman; Y. Romanets; C. Rubbia; A. Sánchez; M. Sabaté-Gilarte; P. Schillebeeckx; D. Schumann; A. Sekhar; A. G. Smith; N. V. Sosnin; M. Stamati; A. Sturniolo; G. Tagliente; D. Tarrío; P. Torres-Sánchez; J. A. B. Turko; S. Urlass; E. Vagena; S. Valenta; V. Variale; P. Vaz; G. Vecchio; D. Vescovi; V. Vlachoudis; R. Vlastou; A. Wallner; P. J. Woods; T. Wright; R. Zarrella; P. Žugec

Advances in radiative capture studies at LUNA with a segmented BGO detector

J. Skowronski; R. M. Gesuè; A. Boeltzig; G. F. Ciani; D. Piatti; D. Rapagnani; M. Aliotta; C. Ananna; F. Barile; D. Bemmerer; A. Best; C. Broggini; C. G. Bruno; A. Caciolli; M. Campostrini; F. Cavanna; P. Colombetti; A. Compagnucci; P. Corvisiero; L. Csedreki; T. Davinson; R. Depalo; A. Di Leva; Z. Elekes; F. Ferraro; A. Formicola; Z. Fulop; G. Gervino; A. Guglielmetti; C. Gustavino; G. Gyurky; G. Imbriani; M. Junker; M. Lugaro; P. Marigo; E. Masha; R. Menegazzo; V. Paticchio; R. Perrino; P. Prati; V. Rigato; L. Schiavulli; R. S. Sidhu; O. Straniero; T. Szücs; S. Zavatarelli

A new ultra low-level HPGe activity counting setup in the Felsenkeller shallow-underground laboratory

S. Turkat; D. Bemmerer; A. Boeltzig; A. R. Domula; J. Koch; T. Lossin; M. Osswald; K. Schmidt; K. Zuber

Involved research facilities

  • Felsenkeller

Proton, deuteron and triton flow measurements in Au+Au collisions at √sNN=2.4 GeV

J. Adamczewski-Musch; O. Arnold; C. Behnke; ...; J. Dreyer; B. Kämpfer; R. Kotte; L. Naumann; HADES Collaboration

Low-energy Cross Section Measurements of ¹²C(p,γ) Deep Underground at LUNA

J. Skowronski; A. Boeltzig

  • Open Access Logo Contribution to proceedings
    Nuclear Physics in Astrophysics - X, 04.-09.09.2022, CERN, Switzerland
    EPJ Web of Conferences: EDP Sciences, 2100-014X, 03002
    DOI: 10.1051/epjconf/202327903002

Thermal neutron background at Laboratorio Subterráneo de Canfranc (LSC)

J. Plaza; T. Martínez; V. Bécares; D. Cano-Ott; D. Villamarín; A. Pérez De Rada; E. Mendoza; V. Pesudo; R. Santorelli; C. Peña; J. Balibrea-Correa; A. Boeltzig

Progress in the Evaluation and Validation of n+56,57Fe Cross Sections

A. Trkov; R. Capote; D. Bernard; R. Beyer; Y. Danon; A. Daskalakis; A. Junghans; M. Kostal; P. Leconte; M. Schulc; S. Simakov

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Positron Annihilation Spectroscopy and Materials Research

In Situ Heating Positron Annihilation Lifetime Spectroscopy Experiments on an Al–Mg Alloy

J. Banhart; Z. Yang; Q. Guo; M. Liu; M. Butterling; M. O. Liedke; E. Hirschmann; A. Wagner

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Unravelling the water adsorption mechanism in hierarchical MOFs: insights from in situ positron annihilation lifetime studies

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  • P-ELBE

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Involved research facilities

  • P-ELBE

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Vacancy complexes in Cd3As2

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  • P-ELBE

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In situ measurements of non-equilibrium positron state defects during He irradiation in Si

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