HZDR Innovators Club

As a member of the HZDR Innovators Club, alumni and interested parties from business and industry have the opportunity to actively shape the transfer of knowledge and technologies with the HZDR. With the DAAD funded project called "TrAIN - Train Alumni from Industry for NEXT Gens", we want to built a network out of international alumni which are interested in cooperation with the HZDR.


  • TrAIN project enables HZDR to further develop and expand international partnerships. As part of the project planned for 2022 and 2023, HZDR alumni from 12 countries will receive technical and methodological training on innovation management and entrepreneurial thinking in a varied five-day event.
  • This forms the basis for tandems of international and regional alumni with innovation managers and scientists from the HZDR to strengthen the network.
  • With access to current developments in a wide range of research topics and integration into the attractive network, the commitment of the "Experts in Industry" receives a significant personal benefit.

Video of the international alumni week, September 2023

Download video/mp4(1) - 182,4 MB / 3840x2160 px

Video of the international alumni week, October 2022

Download video/mp4(2) - 107,3 MB / 1920x1080 px

Benefits and Results for Transfer

  • Exchange with industry professionals
  • Access to industry knowledge and market-relevant information
  • Building cooperations
  • Finding expert guidance, support and partnership
  • Growing together with the industry
  • Distribution of information to an interesting target group

Benefits and Results for Alumni

  • Specific support for scientists with own expertise.
  • Encourage the implementation of research results and shaping future by supporting innovation projects and contributing knowledge.
  • Network expansion: making new contacts through events and various exchange formats and stay in touch with each other.
  • Receiving insights into current research topics and staying up-to-date can make an impact for the own professional position, the company or even the country. Further training and qualification opportunities support personal careers.

Brochure TrAIN 2022(3)

The TrAIN project is funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and is executed by HR, Postdoc Center and the Department of Technology Transfer and Innovation.

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Porträt Dr. Körösi, Veronika; FSCC

Dr. Veronika Körösi

Business Career Counselling
Career Center
Phone: +49 351 260 2306

Porträt Giebel, Melanie; FSTT-M

Melanie Giebel

Technology Marketing and Alumni Coordinator
Phone: +49 351 260 2062

More Information

URL of this article

Links of the content

(1) https://www.hzdr.de/db/VideoDl?pOid=71875&pCid=782
(2) https://www.hzdr.de/db/VideoDl?pOid=68012&pCid=653
(3) https://www.hzdr.de/db/Cms?pOid=67291
(4) mailto:m.giebel@hzdr.de
(5) https://www.helmholtz.de/suche/jobs/
(6) https://www.hzdr.de/db/Cms?pNid=754&pOid=27869
(7) https://www.hzdr.de/db/Cms?pNid=878
(8) https://www.charta-der-vielfalt.de/en/