
At the TU Dresden

Module "Radiochemistry" (Chem-Ma-M14)

Students are able to critically examine issues relating to radioactivity and radiation on a scientific basis. They know the different types of radiation, their spectra, measurement and physical principles. They know why radioactivity occurs in which elements, what effects it has on people and the environment and how it can be applied technically. Students are also able to handle open radioactive substances.
The module co­vers the topics of radioactivity (types of radiation, nuclide map, nuclear structure, nuclear stability, con­version laws, equilibria), radioanalysis, nuclear technology and nuclear waste disposal.

Lecture "Radiochemistry"

The aim of the lecture "Radiochemistry" is to convey the basics of radio- and nuclear chemistry in order to deepen the knowledge of radioactivity with regard to the associated theory, application and behavior of radioactive heavy metals in the environment. The relations­hip between natural and artificial radioactivity is dealt with from the point of view of the use of radioactive substances in industry, medicine and research in energy production and nuclear weapons production. The effect of ionizing radiation on materials and organisms is demonstrated. The identification and influence of the binding form of long-lived radionuclides on the distribution and transport in geo- and bio-systems is a linking topic. The radiochemical aspects of nuclear energy production and within the entire nuclear fuel cycle, including nuclear waste disposal and final storage, are shown in detail. The use of nuclear energy is discussed in connection with other possible energy sources. Radiochemical-analytical methods form a further focus.

Module "Environmental and Actinide Chemistry" (Chem-Ma-M06)

The module co­vers the two main topics of radioecology and the chemistry of the f-elements, in particular the 5f-actinides. Radioecology co­vers the origin of radionuclides in the environment, migration and uptake of radionuclides in food chains and ecosystems, sampling and pretreatment of environmental samples and radionuclide se­paration methods. The chemistry of the f-elements includes ana­logies and differences between lanthanides and actinides, their basic physico-chemical properties and the resulting applications, magnetism, lasers, superconductivity. The module also co­vers lanthanides and actinides as resources, including their extraction, recycling strategies and final disposal.

Lecture "Radioecology"

The Radioecology lecture is part of the module "Umwelt- und Actinidenchemie" (Chem-Ma-M06). Lecture topics on environmental radioactivity deal with e.g. sources of radionuclides in the environment, factors influencing radionuclide migration and uptake in food chains and our ecosystems, sampling and pre-treatment of environmental samples, and radionuclide se­paration methods. In addition, examples on how radioecology is present in e­very-day life are given.

Lecture "Chemistry of the f-elements"

The aim of the lecture "Chemistry of the f-elements" is to give students an insight into the chemistry of lanthanides, actinides and the elements of the III. subgroup. The lecture will show similarities and differences in the element groups and how these can be used to se­parate the elements from each other. Occurrence and representation of the elements will be discussed. The focus of the lecture is the influence of the chemistry of the f-elements on their applications and on their behavior in the environment.

At the HTW Dresden

Lecture "Radiochemistry"

The aim of the lecture is to impart knowledge and skills for the assessment of opportunities and risks associated with the use of radioactive substances in the natural sciences, medicine and technology. This also includes the selection of suitable radiochemical methods and procedures for environmental monitoring with regard to radioactive contamination. The content focuses on the properties of unstable nuclei and the types and laws of radioactive decay, interaction of radiation and mat­ter (causes, models and calculation methods), detection and measurement of nuclear radiation (detectors, α / β / γ spectrometry, statistics), representative examples of the production and application of radionuclides and labeled compounds from the fields of nuclear medicine (therapy and diagnostics), industry and technology, biology and (geo-)chronology. Furthermore, special aspects of radiochemistry are introduced for applications in environmental issues (samples, radiochemical se­paration methods, analytics). Another focus is on issues relating to the safe disposal of radioactive waste. This includes their formation and composition, the legal, sociological and scientific aspects of the associated long-term safety analyses, as well as remediation strategies for radioactively contaminated areas. The radiochemistry of actinides (thorium, uranium, neptunium and plutonium, americium and curium) and radium is co­vered, followed by an introduction to experimental methods in radiochemistry with a focus on structure elucidation (fluorescence spectroscopy and photoacoustics, infrared spectroscopy, X-ray absorption spectroscopy, UV/Vis spectroscopy). The lecture also includes solving tasks on radiochemical problems (arithmetic) including associated discussions.

Lecture "Microbiology"

The lecture serves to impart basic knowledge in the field of microbiology and in particular in the areas of morphology, cytology, cell biology, physiology and taxonomy and is intended to provide an o­verview of the complex significance of microorganisms for the environment, medicine and industry using specific examples. The aim is to enable students to recognize microbial processes in their professional environment, to use or avoid them in a targeted manner and, if necessary, to suggest or even take appropriate measures. Furthermore, students should be informed about current developments and fields of research in the field of microbiology and related sciences.

At the University Leipzig

Lecture "Radioanalytics"

This lecture is aimed at students on the Master's degree course in Chemistry at Leipzig Uni­versity who would like to specialize in the field of analytics and gain a more detailed picture of the di­verse possibilities of radioanalytical methods: from α-, β-, γ-spectrometry to radioreagent methods, isotope dilution and neutron activation analyses, dating and imaging techniques. In addition, all aspects of radioactivity are co­vered, on the one hand to teach the physical basics of nuclear decay, measurement principles and nuclide production, and on the other hand to sensitize students to the importance of radiation protection and at the same time to enable them to scientifically evaluate and accompany discussions on the use of radioactive substances.

At the Université Grenoble Alpes

Module "Instrumental optics" (UGA)

This module aims to introduce the use of light as a means of investigating matter, based on useful applications in biology, chemistry and earth sciences. The aim is to apply fundamental principles to predict the behaviour of a system and to acquire the basic notions necessary to understand essential phenomena in many scientific fields. The topics co­vered include geometric optics and optical phenomena, optical and image acquisition instruments and their limitations, and polarisation.

At the Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena

Course "Geochemical & Reactive Transport Modeling"

The course includes an introduction to the thermodynamic description of aqueous solutions using the geochemical software Geochemist's Workbench® as an example. An introduction to the various modules of the geochemical code is given using practical examples such as the creation of aquatic speciation, mixing of solutions, solubilities (gases/solid phases), temperature effects, the application of the Pitzer activity model for saline systems and sorption using surface complexation modeling. In more complex examples, the application of thermodynamics and kinetics of natural systems (soils, aquifers, sediments) for the creation of stability diagrams, reaction paths, reactive transport models is discussed. The correct application and critical consideration of thermodynamic databases and activity models is taught and the necessary file formats are discussed. Furthermore, the definition and characteristic properties of natural systems, e.g. equilibrium, non-linearity, heterogeneity, di­versity and their influences on modeling, consequences for the extent and speed of interactions and reactions in natural systems as well as interaction and interdependence of physical, chemical and biological processes are considered.

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