Publications Repository - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

1 Publication

Aufbau eines behördlichen Fernüberwachungssystems zur betrieblichen Überwachung des KKW Saporoshje (Block 5), 3. Realisierungsstufe

Beyer, M.; Carl, H.; Nowak, K.; Schumann, P.; Seidel, A.


The report gives an overview of the further development of the remote monitoring system for the Ukrainian nuclear power plant Zaporozh'ye. The proposals for concept, structure and algorithmic design of the user software elaborated by Research Centre Rossendorf and TÜV Rheinland are presented and explained complemented by a short description of the conversion of the German proposals into the user´s software by the State Scientific-Technical Centre of the Ukrainian Supervisory Authority. Furthermore, there is an actual information about the operational use of the components of the monitoring system in the Zaporozh'ye NPP. The realization efforts for the completion of the NPP-site system and for the integration of the Kiev Centre into the system close the report. The industrial testing phase of the system was started in June of 1996. Since then, supervisory authority and operator have been able to fulfil their monitoring duties more efficiently than before by direct access to the actual operational data.

  • Open Access Logo Forschungszentrum Rossendorf; FZR-174 März 1997
    ISSN: 1436-3976



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