Publications Repository - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

1 Publication

On non drag interfacial force and thermal phase change modelling of reactingEulerFoam

Peltola, J.; Pättikangas, T.; Bainbridge, W.; Lehnigk, R.; Schlegel, F.


The reactingEulerFoam framework included in OpenFOAM releases since 3.0.0 provides a highly flexible platform for the modelling of multiphase flows. Extensive selection of interfacial force models is provided along with alternate turbulence models. The thermal phase change capability [1,2] was first introduced in OpenFOAM 3.0.1 [3] and has since been extended and refined in subsequent releases.
The current OpenFOAM 7 release features include support for non-equilibrium wall boiling, n-phase thermal phase change and for bubble diameter modelling algebraic, IATE and inhomogeneous class method models are supported.The present simulations have been carried out with the OpenFOAM Foundation development release [4]. The goal is to aid those that intend to use the publicly available reactingEulerFoam by providing a summary of the models and demonstrations of a few modelling details by expanding upon tutorials recently added to the OpenFOAM Foundation development line.
DEDALE experiments [5] are used as a reference for the non-drag interfacial force modelling.
Subcooled nucleate boiling simulation results with different models combinations are compared to the DEBORA experiments [6,7]. Finally, a more complex direct contact condensation simulation of SEF-POOL test facility [8] is presented and results are compared to the experiment.


[1] Peltola, J., & Pättikangas, T.J.H. Development and validation of a boiling model for OpenFOAM multiphase solver. CFD4NRS-4 Conference Proceedings, Daejeon, Korea, paper 59, (2012).
[2] Peltola, J., Pättikangas, T., Bainbridge, W., Lehnigk, R., Schlegel, F., On development and validation of subcooled nucleate boiling models for OpenFOAM Foundation release. NURETH-18 Conference Proceedings, Portland, Oregon, United States (2019).
[3] OpenFOAM Foundation, “OpenFOAM 3.0.1,” (2015).
[4] OpenFOAM Foundation, “OpenFOAM-dev,” (2014-2019).
[5] Grossetete, C., Experimental investigation and numerical simulations of void profile development in a vertical cylindrical pipe (No. EDF--96-NB-00120). Electricite de France (EDF), (1995).
[6] E. Manon, Contribution à l’anayse et à la modélisation locale des écoulements boillants sous-saturésdans les conditions des Réacteurs à Eau sous Pression, PhD thesis, Ecole Centrale Paris (2000).
[7] J. Garnier, E. Manon, G. Cubizolles, “Local measurements on flow boiling of refrigerant 12 in avertical tube”, Multiphase Science and Technology, pp. 1-111 (2001).
[8] M. Puustinen, J. Laine, A. Räsänen, E. Kotro, and K. Tielinen, “Characterizing tests in SEF-POOLfacility,” Technical Report, Lappeenranta University of Technology, Nuclear Engineering, INSTAB3/2017 (2017).

  • Lecture (Conference)
    17th Multiphase Flow Conference and Short Course, 11.-15.11.2019, Dresden, Deutschland


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