Publikationsrepositorium - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

1 Publikation

Terahertz-Field-Induced Time Shifts in Atomic Photoemission

Schmid, G.; Schnorr, K.; Augustin, S.; Meister, S.; Lindenblatt, H.; Trost, F.; Liu, Y.; Stojanovic, N.; Al-Shemmary, A.; Golz, T.; Treusch, R.; Gensch, M.; Kübel, M.; Foucar, L.; Rudenko, A.; Ullrich, J.; Schröter, C. D.; Pfeifer, T.; Moshammer, R.


Time delays for atomic photoemission obtained in streaking or reconstruction of attosecond bursts by interference of two-photon transitions experiments originate from a combination of the quantum mechanical Wigner time and the Coulomb-laser coupling. While the former was investigated intensively theoretically as well as experimentally, the latter attracted less interest in experiments and has mostly been subject to calculations. Here, we present a measurement of the Coulomb-laser coupling-induced time shifts in photoionization of neon at 59.4 eV using a terahertz (THz) streaking field (λ = 152 μm). Employing a reaction microscope at the THz beamline of the free-electron laser in Hamburg (FLASH), we have measured relative time shifts of up to 70 fs between the emission of 2p photoelectrons (∼38 eV) and lowenergetic (<1 eV) photoelectrons. A comparison with theoretical predictions on Coulomb-laser coupling reveals reasonably good agreement.


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