Publikationsrepositorium - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

1 Publikation

Mass transfer measurement in a square milli-channel and comparison with results from a circular channel

Haghnegahdar, M.; Boden, S.; Hampel, U.


In this work, we report on an experimental investigation of mass transfer from stagnant Taylor bubbles in a small square channel via measurement of the dissolution rate of an individual elongated bubble of carbon dioxide into water. As a measurement technique we used high resolution X-ray radiography and tomography. The changes in the size of the bubble at constant pressure obtained from the high-resolution X-ray images were used to calculate the liquid side mass transfer coefficient. The bubbles were continuously monitored by hydrodynamic fixation of the bubble in a down flow of the liquid. The results are compared with the available recently published data for circular channels.
The results show that the bubble dissolution curves in square channels are relatively even while the dissolution curves for bubbles in circular channels show some noticeable change in the slope. Furthermore, it is shown that the calculated liquid side mass transfer coefficient based on the measured data show good agreement with the data predicted by the penetration theory when the contact time between two phases is defined as the ratio of bubble length to the relative velocity. In addition, the comparison of the results with the data for circular channels showed that despite the fact that the rise velocity of bubbles in square channel is about three times faster than in circular channel, the liquid side mass transfer coefficients are approximately the same.

Keywords: mass transfer; Taylor bubble; carbon dioxide; square channels; X-ray imaging

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