Publications Repository - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

1 Publication

Low-Temperature Elastic Properties of Non-Kramers Doublet Compound PrMg3

Araki, K.; Mitsumoto, K.; Akatsu, M.; Nemoto, Y.; Suzuki, H. S.; Tanida, H.; Takagi, S.; Yasin, S.; Zherlitsyn, S.; Wosnitza, J.; Goto, T.


We have investigated low-temperature elastic properties of PrMg3 with a non-Kramers Gamma3 doublet ground state using ultrasonic measurements. Although the Gamma3 doublet possesses electric quadrupoles Ou and Ov with Gamma3-symmetry and magnetic octupole Txyz with Gamma2, PrMg3 reveals no sign of symmetry breaking long-range ordering down to 20 mK. [1] The elastic constant of (C11-C12)/2 in PrMg3 exhibits remarkable softening below 8 K, which is well described in terms of a Curie-type quadrupole susceptibility for the Gamma3 doublet. An appreciable upturn in (C11-C12)/2 below 800 mK in PrMg3 may indicate an transition into an exotic ground state due to the quadrupole Kondo state being screened by conduction electrons. Frequency dependence in (C11-C12)/2 and its attenuation coefficients at low temperature in PrMg3 suggests quadrupole fluctuations possessing a characteristic relaxation time tau = tau0exp(E/kT) with tau0 = 6x10-11 sec and an activation energy E = 410 mK. The low-temperature behavior in (C11-C12)/2 of PrMg3 under magnetic fields is also presented.

Involved research facilities

  • High Magnetic Field Laboratory (HLD)
  • Poster
    Strongly Correlated Electron Systems 2010 (SCES 2010), 27.06.-02.07.2010, Santa Fe, USA


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