Publications of Institute of Radiopharmaceutical Cancer Research - Year 2007

41 Publications


FDG-PET/CT in oncology: German Guideline

Krause, B. J.; Beyer, T.; Bockisch, A.; Delbeke, D.; Kotzerke, J.; et al. (24 authors)

Role of P2 purinergic receptors in synaptic transmission under normoxic and ischaemic conditions in the CA1 region of rat hippocampal slices

Coppi, E.; Pugliese, A. M.; Stephan, H.; Müller, C. E.; Pedata, F.

Experimental Evaluation of Functional Imaging for Radiotherapy

Zips, D.; Yaromina, A.; Schütze, C.; Wüllrich, K.; Krause, M.; et al. (16 authors)

Two mononuclear Tc complexes: [2,2′-(3-phenylpropylimino)- and [2,2′-(propylimino)-bis(ethanethiolato)](4-methoxybenzenethiolato)-oxidotechnetate(V)

Emmerling, F.; Kraus, W.; Noll, B.; Noll, S.; Pietzsch, H.-J.

(4-Methoxybenzenethiolato-κS)oxido-[2,2’-propylimino)-bis(ethanethiolato)- κ3S,N,S’]rhenium(V)

Kraus, W.; Emmerling, F.; Noll, B.; Noll, S.; Pietzsch, H.-J.

Fifty Years of radiopharmacy at Rossendorf

Spies, H.; Steinbach, J.

  • Journal of Labelled Compounds and Radiopharmaceuticals 50(2007), 895-902
    DOI: 10.1002/jlcr.1431

Factors influencing the formation of small dense low-density lipoprotein particles in dependence on the presence of the metabolic syndrome and on the degree of glucose intolerance

Julius, U.; Dittrich, M.; Pietzsch, J.

Correlations between MRS alterations and cerebral ammonia and glucose metabolism in citthotic patients with and without hepatic encephalopathy

Weissenborn, K.; Ahl, B.; Fischer-Wasels, D.; van den Hoff, J.; Hecker, H.; et al. (7 authors)

  • Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology 56(2007)12, 1736-1742
    ISSN: 1468-3288

PET/CT demonstrates increased myocardial FDG uptake following irradiation therapy

Zöphel, K.; Hölzel, C.; Dawel, M.; Hölscher, T.; Evers, C.; et al. (6 authors)

Carbohydration of 1,4,8,11-tetraazacyclotetradecane (cyclam): synthesis and binding properties toward concanavalin A

Stephan, H.; Röhrich, A.; Noll, S.; Steinbach, J.; Kirchner, R.; et al. (6 authors)

Expeditious synthesis of steroids containing a 2-methylsulfanyl-acetyl side chain as potential glucocorticoid receptor imaging agents

Wüst, F.; Carlson, K. E.; Katzenellenbogen, J. A.

Myocardial uptake and biodistribution of newly designed technetium-labelled fatty acid analogues

Heintz, A. C.; Jung, C. M.; Stehr, S. N.; Mirtschink, P.; Walther, M.; et al. (12 authors)

  • Nuclear Medicine Communications 28(2007)8, 637-647
    ISSN: 0143-3636

Aneuploidy and DNA Replication in the Normal Human Brain and Alzheimer’s Disease

Mosch, B.; Morawski, M.; Mittag, A.; Lenz, D.; Tarnok, A.; et al. (6 authors)

Tetrahydroquinoline and tetrahydroisoquinoline mixed ligand rhenium complexes with the SNS/S donor atom set

Zablotskaya, A.; Segal, I.; Lukevics, E.; Belyakov, S.; Spies, H.

Experimental hypoxia is a potent stimulus for radiotracer uptake in vitro: Comparison of different tumor cells and primary endothelial cells

Oswald, J.; Treite, F.; Haase, C.; Kampfrath, T.; Mäding, P.; et al. (8 authors)

Effect of increase of radiation dose on local control relates to pre-treatment FDG uptake in FaDu tumours in nude mice

Schütze, C.; Bergmann, R.; Yaromina, A.; Hessel, F.; Kotzerke, J.; et al. (8 authors)

Magnetic resonance imaging of bone metastases in patients with nonseminomatous germ cell tumors

Froehner, M.; Aikele, P.; Beuthien-Baumann, B.; Kittner, T.; Oehlschlaeger, S.; et al. (6 authors)

[18F]FBAM and [18F]FBOM: Novel Thiol-reactive prosthetic groups derived from 4-[18F]fluorobenzaldehyde

Vogler, L.; Berndt, M.; Pietzsch, J.; Wüst, F.

  • Journal of Labelled Compounds and Radiopharmaceuticals 50(2007), 1276-1286

Diagnostic impact of PET with 18F-FDG, 18F-DOPA and 3-O-methyl-6-[18F]fluoro-DOPA in recurrent or metastatic medullary thyroid carcinoma

Beuthien-Baumann, B.; Strumpf, A.; Zessin, J.; Bredow, J.; Kotzerke, J.

L-Type Amino Acid Transporters LAT1 and LAT4 in Cancer: Uptake of 3-O- Methyl-6-18F-Fluoro-L-Dopa (18F-OMFD) in Human Adenocarcinoma and Squamous Cell Carcinoma in vitro and in vivo

Haase, C.; Bergmann, R.; Füchtner, F.; Hoepping, A.; Pietzsch, J.

Cluster Core Controlled Reactions of Substitution of Terminal Bromide Ligands by Triphenylphosphine in Octahedral Rhenium Chalcobromide Complexes

Shestopalov, M. A.; Brylev, K. A.; Kozlova, S. G.; Fedorov, V. E.; Spies, H.; et al. (9 authors)

  • Journal of the American Chemical Society 129(2007), 3714-3721

Glycoxidised LDL isolated from subjects with impaired glucose tolerance increases CD36 and peroxisome proliferator-activator receptor gamma gene expression in macrophages

Graessler, J.; Pietzsch, J.; Westendorf, T.; Julius, U.; Bornstein, S. R.; et al. (6 authors)

Very stable 188Re-S4 chelates for labelling biomolecules, prepared with highly concentrated perrhenate eluates

Seifert, S.; Jentschel, C.; Bergmann, R.; Pietzsch, H.-J.; Wunderlich, G.; et al. (7 authors)

  • Nuklearmedizin 5(2007), 181-184
    ISSN: 0029-5566

Prefrontal Cortex Dysfunction and Depression in Atypical Parkinsonian Syndromes

Herting, B.; Beuthien-Baumann, B.; Pöttrich, K.; Donix, M.; Triemer, A.; et al. (10 authors)

[1-11C]Acetate uptake is not increased in renal cell carcinoma

Kotzerke, J.; Linné, C.; Meinhardt, M.; Steinbach, J.; Wirth, M.; et al. (8 authors)

Organometallic 99mTc(III) ‘4+1’ Bombesin(7-14) Conjugates: Synthesis, Radiolabeling and In Vitro/In Vivo Studies

Künstler, J.-U.; Veerendra, B.; Figueroa, S. D.; Sieckmann, G. L.; Rold, T. L.; et al. (8 authors)

  • Bioconjugate Chemistry 18(2007), 1651-1661

Azaspirovesamicols-Regioselective Synthesis and Crystal Structure Analysis of a Novel Class of Vesamicol Analogues as Potential Ligands for the Vesicular Acetylcholine Transporter

Wenzel, B.; Bats, J. W.; Scheunemann, M.; Steinbach, J.

Lipid transfer protein activities in subjects with impaired glucose tolerance

Julius, U.; Jauhiainen, M.; Ehnholm, C.; Pietzsch, J.

  • Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine 45(2007)2, 237-243
    ISSN: 1434-6621

Synthesis of 18F-labeled neurotensin(8-13) via copper-mediated 1,3-dipolar [3+2]cycloaddition reaction

Ramenda, T.; Bergmann, R.; Wüst, F.

  • Letters in Drug Design & Discovery 4(2007)4, 279-285
    ISSN: 1570-1808

Labeling of low-density lipoproteins using the 18F-labeled thiol-reactive reagent N-[6-(4-[18F]fluorobenzylidene)aminooxyhexyl]maleimide [18F]FBAM

Berndt, M.; Pietzsch, J.; Wüst, F.

Effect of pseudophosphorylation and cross-linking by lipid peroxidation and advanced glycation end product precursors on tau aggregation and filament formation

Kuhla, B.; Haase, C.; Flach, K.; Lüth, H.-J.; Arendt, T.; et al. (6 authors)

Quantification of beta+ activity generated by hard photons by means of PET

Möckel, D.; Müller, H.; Pawelke, J.; Sommer, M.; Will, E.; et al. (6 authors)

Radiolabelling of multimeric neurotensin(8-13) analogues with the short-lived positron emitter fluorine-18

Hultsch, C.; Berndt, M.; Bergmann, R.; Wüst, F.

Synthesis of 18F-labelled stilbenes from 4-[18F]fluorobenzaldehyde using the Horner-Wadsworth-Emmons reaction

Gester, S.; Pietzsch, J.; Wüst, F.

  • Journal of Labelled Compounds and Radiopharmaceuticals 50(2007)2, 105-113
    DOI: 10.1002/jlcr.1172

Synthesis and radiopharmacological characterization of [11C]AL-438 as a nonsteroidal ligand for imaging brain glucocorticoid receptors

Wüst, F.; Knieß, T.; Bergmann, R.; Henry, B.; Pietzsch, J.

  • Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters 17(2007), 4035-4039

Assessment of Lung Cancer Perfusion by Using Patlak Analysis: What Do We Measure?

van den Hoff, J.

  • Radiology 243(2007)3, 907-908

Blood Flow Quantification with Permeable Contrast Agents: A Valid Technique?

van den Hoff, J.

  • Radiology 243(2007)3, 909-910

Extraction of radio-labelled xanthine derivatives by artificial receptors – deep insight into the association behaviour

Bomkamp, M.; Siering, C.; Landrock, K.; Stephan, H.; Fröhlich, R.; et al. (6 authors)

Comparison of in vitro and in vivo properties of 99mTc-cRGD peptides labelled using different novel Tc-cores

Decristoforo, C.; Santos, I.; Pietzsch, H.-J.; Duatti, A.; Smith, C. J.; et al. (9 authors)

  • Quarterly Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging 51(2007), 33-41

Synthesis and radiopharmacological characterization of 2β-carbo-2’-[18F]fluoroethoxy-3β-(4-bromo-phenyl)tropane ([18F]MCL-322) as a potential PET radiotracer for imaging the dopamine transporter (DAT)

Wüst, F.; Berndt, M.; Strobel, K.; van den Hoff, J.; Peng, X.; et al. (7 authors)

Synthesis and biological evaluation of a new type of 99mTechnetium-labeled fatty acid for myocardial metabolism imaging

Walther, M.; Jung, C.; Bergmann, R.; Pietzsch, J.; Rode, K.; et al. (15 authors)

  • Bioconjugate Chemistry 18(2007), 216-230
    ISSN: 10.1021/bc0601222

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