RSS-Feed 2.0 Press Releases - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

Foto: Aerial View of the HZDR as of July 2022. ©Copyright: HZDR/Avanga

Für den Ernstfall gewappnet: Jährliche Notfallübung simuliert Brand im Laborgebäude

Press Release of 17.10.2024

Um die Zusammenarbeit zwischen der Rossendorfer Werksfeuerwehr und Einsatzkräften der Berufsfeuerwehr sowie des Rettungsdienstes Dresden zu vertiefen, simulieren der VKTA – Strahlenschutz, Analytik & Entsorgung Rossendorf und das Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR) am heutigen Donnerstag, dem 17. Oktober 2024, ab 14 Uhr einen Notfall. Kurz vor Übungsbeginn werden dafür Feuerwehr- und Rettungsfahrzeuge mit Blaulicht vom Stadtrand Weißig bis auf den Rossendorfer Campus fahren. Es besteht dennoch keine reale Gefahr. Die Übung sollte gegen 17 Uhr abgeschlossen sein.

Foto: Polymers and other materials move on a conveyor belt test track at speeds of up to one meter per second while beeing sequentially scanned by multiple sensors. ©Copyright: Dr. Margret Fuchs

More recycling efficiency for plastics

Press Release of 02.10.2024

Plastics make up around a quarter of the materials contained in electronic waste (e-waste). The proportion that is recycled is comparatively low - the majority is simply incinerated. The first step to improve recycling is the identification of polymer materials, so that they can be selectively sorted and processed in a way that preserves their function. Researchers at the Helmholtz Institute Freiberg for Resource Technology (HIF), an institute of the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR), have now succeeded in determining the specific characterization of the main e-waste plastic types by combining multiple sensors. Applied on an industrial scale, more plastics can be optimally processed and returned to the production chain.

Foto: A strong light pulse in the terahertz range separates charged luminous trions into individual electrons and neutral excitons. ©Copyright: Giuseppe Meneghini

Temporarily apart: Research team succeeds in ultra-fast switching of tiny light sources

Press Release of 27.09.2024

Extremely thin materials consisting of just a few atomic layers promise applications for electronics and quantum technologies. An international team led by TU Dresden has now made remarkable progress with an experiment conducted at HZDR: The experts were able to induce an extremely fast switching process between electrically neutral and charged luminescent particles in an ultra-thin, effectively two-dimensional material. The result opens up new perspectives for research as well as for optical data processing and flexible detectors. The research is presented in the journal Nature Photonics (DOI: 10.1038/s41566-024-01512-0).

Foto: High-intensity laser DRACO ©Copyright: HZDR/Jürgen Lösel

Weltweit erste laserbasierte Neutronenquelle für Industrieeinsatz

Press Release of 25.09.2024

Ein von Focused Energy geführtes Verbundprojekt entwickelt die weltweit erste lasergetriebene Neutronenquelle für den Industrieeinsatz. Das so genannte LDRS-Verfahren (Laser-Driven Radiation Sources) kann zerstörungsfrei nicht nur durch dicke Stahl- oder Betonwände hindurch-, sondern auch hineinsehen. Am Verbundforschungsprojekt sind das Fraunhofer-Institut für Lasertechnik ILT in Aachen, das Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR), Photonis Germany sowie TRUMPF und die TU Darmstadt beteiligt. RWE stellt dafür Räumlichkeiten am Standort Biblis zur Verfügung. Das Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung fördert das Projekt mit 20 Mio. Euro.

Foto: Pioneer grasses conquer volcanic sand ©Copyright: Ruedi Haeberli/Unsplash

How plant communities change when conquering uninhabited ground

Press Release of 17.09.2024

Some plants are able to take over uninhabited spaces like sand dunes, volcanic substrates and rockfall areas. The first colonizers have specific traits that allow them to grow in such hostile environments. Other plants lack such traits but will soon follow these pioneers. Ricardo Martínez-García from the Center of Advanced Systems Understanding (CASUS), an institute of the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR) and collaborators from Spain and Brazil investigated the type of interaction between different species on these newly conquered grounds with the help of a mathematical model based on existing root physiology knowledge. Their new model connects the type of species interaction with the general availability of a scarce soil resource. It also reveals the best strategy for the pioneer who can harness a resource that is not freely available.

Foto: Imploding wire-REF ©Copyright: HZDR / T. Toncian

Hair-thin wire with extreme conditions: HZDR team presents new method to simulate cosmic conditions

Press Release of 12.09.2024

Extreme conditions prevail inside stars and planets. The pressure reaches millions of bars, and it can be several million degrees hot. Sophisticated methods make it possible to create such states of matter in the laboratory – albeit only for the blink of an eye and in a tiny volume. So far, this has required the world's most powerful lasers, such as the National Ignition Facility (NIF) in California. But there are only a few of these light giants, and the opportunities for experiments are correspondingly rare. A research team led by the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR), together with colleagues from the European XFEL, has now succeeded in creating and observing extreme conditions with a much smaller laser. At the heart of the new technology is a copper wire, finer than a human hair, as the group reports in the journal Nature Communications (DOI: 10.1038/s41467-024-52232-6).

Foto: Crab Nebula-REF ©Copyright: gemeinfrei

Die Entstehung der chemischen Elemente im Universum - Einladung zum öffentlichen Vortrag

Press Release of 09.09.2024

Wie sind die chemischen Elemente entstanden, die wir heute auf der Erde, im Sonnensystem und im Kosmos finden können? Die Rede ist zum Beispiel von Wasserstoff, Helium, Lithium, Kohlenstoff, Stickstoff, Sauerstoff, Silizium, Kalzium, Eisen, Nickel bis hin zu schweren Elementen wie Blei oder Uran und Thorium. Aus dem heutigen Stand der Astrophysik, verbunden mit kernphysikalischen Kenntnissen, ist bekannt, dass im Wesentlichen Sterne die dafür verantwortlichen Quellen darstellen.

Foto: Clara Silva is positioning a sample for measurements in the X-ray emission spectrometer at the Rossendorf Bbeamline (ROBL). ©Copyright: Maureen Thierry / ESRF

Probing the depths of complex electron shells

Press Release of 05.09.2024

The heavy metal uranium is, besides its radioactive reputation, known for its intricate chemistry and diverse bonding behaviors. Now, an international team of scientists utilized synchrotron light at the Rossendorf Beamline (ROBL) to explore the unique properties of low-valent uranium compounds, as the researchers report in the journal Nature Communications (DOI: 10.1038/s41467-024-50924-7).

Foto: COTR_REF ©Copyright: HZDR / Blaurock

Metal foil as 3D scanner for electron beam: HZDR-Team presents new diagnostic tool for laser-plasma accelerator

Press Release of 30.08.2024

They are seen as highly promising research tools: laser-plasma accelerators take up less space than conventional facilities, which are sometimes kilometers long. Such compact particle sources can accelerate electron bunches efficiently, enabling x-ray lasers that fit in the basement of a university institute. But there are a few challenges to be met: in order to produce UV or x-ray light, the electron bunches generated by a laser-plasma accelerator must be very finely bundled and have defined properties. To date, it has been difficult to even measure these bunches precisely.

Foto: Wissenschaftsminister Sebastian Gemkow weiht Plasmaofen am Helmholtz-Institut Freiberg für Ressourcentechnologie ein (v.l.n.r. Dr. Simone Raatz - Administrative Leiterin am HIF, Prof. Jens Gutzmer - Institutsdirektor HIF, Wissenschaftsminister Sebastian Gemkow, Prof. Sebastian M. Schmidt - Wissenschaftlicher Vorstand HZDR) ©Copyright: HZDR/Detlev Müller

Metallurgische Forschung zu kritischen Rohstoffen kann starten

Press Release of 27.08.2024

Ein leistungsfähiger Plasmaofen inklusive der zugehörigen Abgasreinigungsanlage erweitert die Forschungsaktivitäten im Metallurgie-Technikum des Helmholtz-Instituts Freiberg für Ressourcentechnologie (HIF). Sachsens Wissenschaftsminister Sebastian Gemkow weihte die Forschungsinfrastruktur am 27. August 2024 mit einem symbolischen Akt ein. Der Schmelzofen mit Plasmabrenner bringt das Institut einer tatsächlichen Kreislaufwirtschaft ein großes Stück näher, da neue Recyclingtechnologien entwickelt und bestehende optimiert werden können. Die Plasmatechnologie wird es erlauben, die Qualität von recycelten Stoffen, sogenannten Sekundärrohstoffen, mit der primärer Rohstoffe vergleichbar zu machen. Für Unternehmen wird es dadurch in Zukunft deutlich einfacher, die Recyclat-Einsatzquote in ihren Produkten zu erhöhen und dadurch ihren CO₂-Fußabdruck zu reduzieren.

Foto: For example, images of the Earth's surface obtained by satellites can now be processed using artificial intelligence (AI). AI has the potential to achieve significant advances in the analysis of Earth observation data, particularly in areas such as climate change, deforestation and natural disasters. ©Copyright: B. Schröder / HZDR, NASA

Mining monitoring 4.0: getting closer from afar

Press Release of 26.08.2024

Three recent studies conducted with the collaboration of the Helmholtz Institute Freiberg for Resource Technology, an institute of the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR), show significant progress in monitoring mining areas. At the same time, the researchers advocate the ethically guided use of artificial intelligence (AI) for Earth observation in terms of environmental protection and disaster prevention. Furthermore, they also have developed an AI-supported model that incorporates data obtained through remote sensing. That might represent a major step for the Earth observation community.

Foto: Power-to-Methanol-Systeme: Standbein der Energiewende in Zukunft ©Copyright: HZDR/Blaurock Markenkommunikation

Alkohol als Speichermedium: Power-to-Methanol könnte zu einem Standbein der Energiewende werden

Press Release of 22.08.2024

Effiziente Speichertechnologien sind eine tragende Säule eines regenerativen Energiesystems, um überschüssigen Strom zwischenzuspeichern. Methanol könnte in diesem Zusammenhang eine wichtige Rolle zukommen. Die große Frage dabei ist, wie sich solche Power-to-Methanol-Systeme in eine künftige Infrastruktur der Erneuerbaren integrieren und wirtschaftlich betreiben lassen. Eine Antwort darauf hat Dr. Stefan Fogel vom HZDR durch aufwendige Modellierung und umfangreiche Simulationen während seiner Dissertation gefunden.

Foto: Artistic illustration of Magnon-phonon Fermi resonance in an antiferromagnet. REF ©Copyright: B. Schröder / HZDR

Hidden Harmonies: Team discovers Magnon-phonon Fermi resonance in an antiferromagnet

Press Release of 07.08.2024

A bottleneck of nowadays data processing technology is the slow and energy-consuming data storage. Soon, data storage centers are expected to consume almost 10 percent of the world’s energy generation. This increase is, among other things, due to intrinsic limitations of the materials used – ferromagnets.

Foto: Die Ministerpräsidentin von Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Manuela Schwesig, und der Sächsische Ministerpräsident, Michael Kretschmer, unterzeichnen die Absichtserklärung zur Gründung des High Energy Density Instituts (HEDI). ©Copyright: Julia Tetzke/Universität Rostock

Ministerpräsidenten Schwesig und Kretschmer unterzeichnen Absichtserklärung zur Gründung des High Energy Density Instituts

Press Release of 01.08.2024

Um ihre Kompetenzen auf dem noch jungen Forschungsfeld der Hochenergiedichtephysik zu bündeln, wollen die Universität Rostock und das Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR) ein gemeinsames Institut gründen. Diese Pläne haben die beiden Einrichtungen am 1. August 2024 während einer Feierstunde in einem Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) festgehalten. Gleichzeitig bekräftigten die Ministerpräsidentin Mecklenburg-Vorpommerns, Manuela Schwesig, und der Ministerpräsident des Freistaates Sachsen, Michael Kretschmer, in einer Absichtserklärung die Unterstützung der beiden Bundesländer für den Aufbau des High Energy Density Instituts (HEDI) in Rostock.

Foto: Prof. Sebastian M. Schmidt - Wissenschaftlicher Direktor des HZDR ©Copyright: Christoph Reichelt

Wissenschaftlicher Direktor des HZDR zum Professor an der TU Dresden berufen

Press Release of 26.07.2024

Prof. Sebastian M. Schmidt, Wissenschaftlicher Direktor des Helmholtz-Zentrums Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR), ist zum 1. Juli 2024 auf die Professur für Quantenstatistik stark korrelierter Systeme an die TU Dresden berufen worden. Dies unterstreicht die enge Zusammenarbeit des HZDR mit der TU Dresden in der Wissenschaftsallianz DRESDEN-concept e.V..

Foto: Photo of the world's most powerful X-ray laser at the European XFEL ©Copyright: European XFEL / Jan Hosan

Mysteriöse Teilchen gesucht: HZDR-Team will Axionen im Licht von drei Superlaser-Strahlen aufspüren

Press Release of 23.07.2024

Seit mehr als vier Jahrzehnten wird nach ihm gefahndet: Das Axion, ein bis dato unentdecktes, hypothetisches Teilchen, könnte die uns bekannten Naturgesetze verändern. Sein Nachweis wäre eine Sensation. Forscher*innen vom HZDR schlagen nun ein neues Laborexperiment mit Laserlicht vor. Die theoretischen Vorhersagen dazu sind in der Fachzeitschrift "Physical Review D" (DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.109.L091901) erschienen.

Foto: Information is stored by the depth-dependent direction of magnetization in the domain walls, which are located between the cylinder domains and their surroundings. REF ©Copyright: B. Schröder / HZDR

Metamaterials for the data highway: A new concept offering the potential for more efficient data storage

Press Release of 16.07.2024

Researchers from the HZDR, TU Chemnitz, TU Dresden and Forschungszentrum Jülich have been the first to demonstrate that not just individual bits, but entire bit sequences can be stored in cylindrical domains: tiny, cylindrical areas measuring just around 100 nanometers. As the team reports in the journal Advanced Electronic Materials (DOI: 10.1002/aelm.202400251), these findings could pave the way for novel types of data storage and sensors, including even magnetic variants of neural networks.

Foto: Photo of the elastically scattered X-rays (bright yellow light) and the scattered ones from the plasmons (faint violet light). ©Copyright: T. Gawne/CASUS

European XFEL reaches unmatched level in measurements of matter under extreme conditions

Press Release of 11.07.2024

Researchers at European XFEL have developed an innovative method to study warm dense matter with unprecedented accuracy. This kind of matter, that exists between condensed matter and plasma physics, can be found, for example, in astrophysical objects or is created during inertial confinement fusion.

Foto: Fluorescence micrograph of rat kidney cells after treatment with radioactive heavy metal ions, shown here symbolically. ©Copyright: HZDR / TUD

A closer look at cell toxins: Researchers examine how radionuclides interact with kidney cells

Press Release of 04.07.2024

When radionuclides enter our organism, whether by inhalation, ingestion, or through wounds, they pose a potential health risk. Many previous studies on radionuclide exposure have focused mainly on animal experiments. However, we have little data on toxicity at the cellular and molecular level. Kidney cells are of particular interest because in mammals they play a central role in the detoxification of bivalent, trivalent, and hexavalent radionuclides as well as other heavy metals via urinary excretion.

Foto: HZDR Luftbild aus Imagefilm ©Copyright: HZDR/Avanga

HZDR impresses with two project proposals in the "InfraProNet" program of the Free State of Saxony

Press Release of 21.06.2024

In a multi-stage selection process, the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR) has acquired millions of euros in funding from the "InfraProNet" program for two research projects. In August 2023, the Saxon Cabinet approved the "InfraProNet" guideline for research funding for the current EU funding period until 2027 and is now supporting the two HZDR projects with financing from the European Regional Development Fund.

Foto: Dr. Anja Feldmann - REF ©Copyright: Ronald Bonss / HZDR

Innovative Immuntherapie gegen malignes Melanom: Neues Projekt soll mit KI-Hilfe die Hautkrebs-Behandlung verbessern

Press Release of 19.06.2024

Jedes Jahr sterben in Deutschland Tausende an schwarzem Hautkrebs. Um diese Zahl zu senken, starten drei sächsische Einrichtungen ein vielversprechendes Forschungsprojekt: Mit „KI-CARs“ wollen das Fraunhofer-Institut für Zelltherapie und Immunologie IZI, die Universität Leipzig und das Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR) die Immuntherapie entscheidend weiterentwickeln.

Foto: "Fußball-Beschleuniger" bei der Dresdner Langen Nacht der Wissenschaften 2023 ©Copyright: HZDR / André Wirsig

Durch Wissenschaft vereint: HZDR präsentiert sich zur Dresdner Langen Nacht

Press Release of 12.06.2024

Rund 150 Wissenschaftler*innen aus dem HZDR gewähren am Freitag, 14. Juni 2024, bei der Dresdner Langen Nacht der Wissenschaften unter dem Motto "United by Science" Einblicke in ihre Forschungsprojekte. Los geht es ab 17 Uhr auf dem Campus der Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Dresden.

Foto: EntdeckerTag - "Unser Sonnensystem" 2023 4 ©Copyright: HZDR

Experimentieren, Forschen und Entdecken: „Summer of Science“ am HZDR

Press Release of 10.06.2024

Das abwechslungs- und erlebnisreiche Programm des HZDR-Schülerlabors DeltaX startet am 20. Juni und läuft bis zum letzten Tag der Sommerferien. Es richtet sich an Kinder und Jugendliche ab neun Jahren bis zur Oberstufe, die etwas dazulernen wollen, bereits Bescheid wissen, oder einfach nur neugierig sind.

Foto: A reaction front spreads between two flowing liquids - REF ©Copyright: B. Schröder/HZDR

Flow research on the outskirts of space: Experiments in weightlessness isolate classic diffusion phenomenon

Press Release of 04.06.2024

For years, various models have been developed to describe an important class of mixing effects that occur, for example, in the flow in a chemical reactor. Experimental validation, however, has lagged far behind due to the superimposition of gravity effects. A European research team involving the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR) and partners at the University of Szeged (Hungary) and Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB, Belgium) has now closed this gap with experiments conducted under weightlessness.

Foto: Sun-REF ©Copyright: ESA & NASA/Solar Orbiter/EUI Team

Rethinking the sun’s cycles: New physical model reinforces planetary hypothesis

Press Release of 27.05.2024

Researchers at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR) and the University of Latvia have posited the first comprehensive physical explanation for the sun’s various activity cycles. It identifies vortex-shaped currents on the sun, known as Rossby waves, as mediators between the tidal influences of Venus, Earth as well as Jupiter and the sun’s magnetic activity.

Foto: "Building Bridges for the Next Generations" 2024 ©Copyright: HZDR / Congressa

International Science Conference "Building Bridges for the Next Generations" on "Net Zero" in Dresden

Press Release of 25.05.2024

On May 27-28, 2024, approximately 350 researchers from Saxony and numerous European countries, along with leading representatives from politics, industry, and society, will gather for the international conference "Building Bridges for the Next Generations." This year's theme, "Net Zero", focuses on the grand goal of climate neutrality and related research areas such as microelectronics, sustainable construction, hydrogen technology, artificial intelligence, and nuclear fusion. Guests and media representatives will have the opportunity to network with colleagues and stakeholders.

Foto: United for Democracy - Sharepic ©Copyright: DRESDEN-concept

Demokratie schützen: GEMEINSAM am 25. Mai 2024 ein starkes Zeichen setzen

Press Release of 22.05.2024

Am Samstag, den 25. Mai 2024, laden über 60 Wissenschaft- und Kultureinrichtungen unter dem Dach von DRESDEN-concept e. V. und dem Bündnis #WOD Weltoffenes Dresden alle Dresdnerinnen und Dresdner dazu ein, ab 13:30 Uhr an vier verschiedenen Standorten in der Stadt und später im Rahmen eines Kunst-, Kultur- und Wissenschaftsfestes gemeinsam zum Schutz der Demokratie zusammenzustehen. Treffpunkt des Helmholtz-Zentrums Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR) ist der Jorge-Gomondai-Platz in Dresden-Neustadt. Der Eintritt ist frei. Eine Anmeldung ist nicht notwendig.

Foto: Plasma acceleration ©Copyright: HZDR / Blaurock

Milestone in plasma acceleration: HZDR team achieves new energy record for next generation proton accelerators

Press Release of 13.05.2024

The Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR) has made a significant advance in laser plasma acceleration. By employing an innovative method, a research team managed to substantially exceed the previous record for proton acceleration. For the first time, they achieved energies that so far have only seemed possible at much larger facilities. As the research group reported in the journal Nature Physics (DOI: 10.1038/s41567-024-02505-0), promising applications in medicine and materials science have now become much likelier.

Foto: Strömungsuntersuchungen mit dem HZDR-Feldsensor in der TUM-Versuchskolonne ©Copyright: Felicitas Engel/ TUM

Stofftrennung trifft auf Energiewende

Press Release of 06.05.2024

Trennkolonnen dienen der Separation von unterschiedlichsten Stoffgemischen in der chemischen Industrie. Die steigende Nutzung erneuerbarer Energiequellen bringt nun jedoch neue Anforderungen für einen flexibleren Betrieb mit sich. Im Projekt ColTray haben sich Forschende des Helmholtz-Zentrums Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR), der Ruhr-Universität Bochum (RUB) und der Technischen Universität München (TUM) des Problems angenommen. Die Forschungs-Gesellschaft Verfahrens-Technik e. V. (GVT) hat jetzt das vom HZDR koordinierte Forschungsvorhaben zum GVT-Projekt des Jahres 2024 gekürt.

Foto: Der neue Themenschwerpunkt im Futurium ist Rohstoffe - Schätze der Zukunft ©Copyright: Scholz & Friends

Schätze der Zukunft im Futurium in Berlin: Neue Ausstellung zu Rohstoffen unter Mitwirkung des Freiberger Helmholtz-Instituts

Press Release of 02.05.2024

Rohstoffe bestimmen unser Leben. In Zeiten der Energiewende wird das immer deutlicher. Das Berliner Zukunftsmuseum Futurium widmet sich deshalb in seiner Sonderausstellung ab 4. Mai dem Thema Rohstoffe und wie eine nachhaltige und sozialgerechte Rohstoff-Zukunft aussehen könnte. Rohstoffexpert*innen des Helmholtz-Instituts Freiberg für Ressourcentechnologie (HIF), einem Institut des Helmholtz-Zentrums Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR), waren maßgeblich in die inhaltliche Gestaltung eingebunden.

Foto: Dr. Lukas Körber and Dr. Anna Vanderbruggen receive Helmholtz Doctoral Prizes 2024 from Helmholtz President Prof. Otmar Dr. Wiestler ©Copyright: David Marschalsky

Two times top-level research

Press Release of 30.04.2024

The Helmholtz Association awarded Dr. Lukas Körber and Dr. Anna Vanderbruggen its doctoral prizes in the fields of matter and energy in Berlin on Monday, April 29. They received the prizes for their outstanding doctoral theses, which they completed at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR) and the Helmholtz Institute Freiberg for Resource Technology at HZDR. In her research approach, Vanderbruggen uses a proven method to return the graphite from used batteries, which has hardly been recycled to date, to the material cycle. Körber's work contributes to a deeper understanding of magnetic spin waves, which are significant for various future technologies.

Foto: Magnetization density change of the non-van der Waals 2D material CdTiO3 upon hydrogenation with its passivated atomic structure superimposed onto it. Red regions indicate an enhancement of the magnetization whereas blue areas signal a related reduction. ©Copyright: HZDR / Tom Barnowsky

Magnetic with a pinch of hydrogen: Research team develops new idea to improve the properties of ultra-thin materials

Press Release of 22.04.2024

Magnetic two-dimensional materials consisting of one or a few atomic layers have only recently become known and promise interesting applications, for example for the electronics of the future. So far, however, it has not been possible to control the magnetic states of these materials well enough. A German-American research team led by the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR) and Dresden University of Technology (TUD) is now presenting in the journal Nano Letters (DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.3c04777) an innovative idea that could overcome this shortcoming - by allowing the 2D layer to react with hydrogen.

Foto: Image of a Desulfosporosinus cell with immobilized uranium on the surface - REF ©Copyright: B. Schröder / HZDR

Uranium-immobilizing bacteria in clay rock: Microbial reduction reduces mobility of uranium compounds

Press Release of 16.04.2024

When designing repositories for high-level radioactive waste in deep geological layers, various factors must be carefully considered to ensure their long-term safety. Among other things, natural communities of microorganisms can influence the behavior of the waste, especially when it comes into contact with water. The microorganisms interact with released radionuclides and influence their mobility. Researchers at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR) have taken a closer look at a microorganism that occurs in the vicinity of a potential repository.

Foto: Dr. Denys Makarov ©Copyright: HZDR / Detlev Müller

New Materials for Energy-Efficient AI: HZDR materials scientist receives prestigious ERC Advanced Grant

Press Release of 11.04.2024

Dr. Denys Makarov from the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR) has been awarded an ERC Advanced Grant in the amount of 2.5 million euros. Over the next five years, this funding will enable him and his team to investigate a promising class of materials known as multiferroics. The aim is to develop novel materials on the basis of which computer chips could work with much higher energy efficiency in particular for artificial intelligence (AI) applications.

Foto: SEM image of nobel metal nanocubes ©Copyright: CNRS - CINaM

Nanocubes as interpreters: German-French project aims to manipulate tiny magnets with light

Press Release of 10.04.2024

Spintronics is considered a seminal research field in physics. It promises faster electronic components, more delicate sensors, and new approaches for quantum computing. Nevertheless, fundamental questions remain to be answered. For example: How can spintronic components be easily and selectively manipulated with light? Starting in April, the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden Rossendorf (HZDR) and the Interdisciplinary Center of Nanoscience of Marseille (CINaM) will be looking for answers to these questions in their joint research project Nano-PLASMAG. The focus is on nanometer-sized, regularly shaped cubes of pure gold. They are intended to serve as "interpreters" and couple light as effectively as possible to nanomagnets in order to influence their state. The project is being funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) and the French National Research Agency (ANR) with half a million euros over three years.

Foto: Graphite recycling of lithium-ion batteries - REF ©Copyright: B. Schröder / HZDR

Keeping power in the cycle: Tests confirm quality of purified graphite from used lithium-ion batteries

Press Release of 08.04.2024

Lithium-ion batteries have become an integral part of everyday life. The number of used batteries is correspondingly high. They contain considerable amounts of important raw materials such as graphite. Recycling this mineral for being reused for new batteries with the same performance is an important goal. Researchers at the Helmholtz Institute Ulm and the Helmholtz Institute Freiberg for Resource Technology (HIF) at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR) have now demonstrated that a graphite recycling technology is successful as intended. In tests, the purified graphite showed excellent capacity retention comparable to pristine commercial anode-grade graphite.

Foto: A concept of long-term optical data storage in silicon carbide. REF ©Copyright: M. Hollenbach, H. Schultheiß

How to keep data safe on the long run

Press Release of 04.04.2024

With the development of the internet, social media or cloud computing, the amount of data created worldwide on a daily basis is sky-rocketing. This calls for new technologies which could provide higher storage densities combined with secure long-term data archiving far beyond the capabilities of traditional data storage devices. An international research team led by the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR) now proposes a new concept of long-term data storage based on atomic-scale defects in silicon carbide, a semiconducting material. These defects are created by a focused ion beam, providing high spatial resolution, fast writing speed and low energy for storing a single bit.

Foto: A fluorescence micrograph taken from the open BioSR super-resolution microscopy dataset ©Copyright: A. Yakimovich/CASUS, modified image from the BioSR dataset by Chang Qiao & Di Li (licensed under CC BY 4.0)

Artificial intelligence boosts super-resolution microscopy

Press Release of 28.03.2024

Generative artificial intelligence (AI) might be best known from text or image-creating applications like ChatGPT or Stable Diffusion. But its usefulness beyond that is being shown in more and more different scientific fields. In their recent work, to be presented at the upcoming International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), researchers from the Center for Advanced Systems Understanding (CASUS) at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR) in collaboration with colleagues from Imperial College London and University College London have provided a new open-source algorithm called Conditional Variational Diffusion Model (CVDM, doi: 10.48550/arXiv.2312.02246).

Foto: Magnons and qubits (ref) ©Copyright: Mauricio Bejarano

Quantum Talk with Magnetic Disks: HZDR team develops new method for addressing qubits

Press Release of 20.03.2024

Quantum computers promise to tackle some of the most challenging problems facing humanity today. While much attention has been directed towards the computation of quantum information, the transduction of information within quantum networks is equally crucial in materializing the potential of this new technology. Addressing this need, a research team at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR) is now introducing a new approach for transducing quantum information: the team has manipulated quantum bits, so called qubits, by harnessing the magnetic field of magnons – wave-like excitations in a magnetic material – that occur within microscopic magnetic disks. The researchers presented their results in the journal Science Advances (DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.adi2042).

Foto: Animation HIBEF ©Copyright: HZDR / Science Communication Lab

Structural transition project strives to bring laser fusion closer to application

Press Release of 18.03.2024

A promising option for creating a productive and sustainable energy source on Earth is the fusion of hydrogen nuclei. The problem? Extremely high pressures and temperatures are required to set the nuclear fusion process off. Technologically, this could be achieved using laser flashes (“laser fusion” or “inertial confinement fusion”). By drafting the “X-ray laser optimization of laser fusion” project (Röntgenlaser-Optimierung der Laserfusion, ROLF) Dr. Tobias Dornheim from the Center for Advanced Systems Understanding (CASUS) at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden Rossendorf (HZDR) now intends to improve the theoretical understanding of hydrogen compression. Instead of the “trial and error” method, laser fusion experiments could be designed and carried out in a more targeted manner in the future – an essential prerequisite for a commercial fusion power plant. In addition to the EU via the “Just Transition Fund”, the Free State of Saxony also contributes directly to the funding of the project.

Foto: Prof. Kristina Kvashnina & Dr. Larysa Baraban ©Copyright: Collage: HZDR/Denis Morel; HZDR/Anja Schneider

Besondere Anerkennung für herausragende Forschung

Press Release of 15.03.2024

Zwei HZDR-Forscherinnen haben parallel den wohl wichtigsten Schritt in ihren akademischen Karrieren geschafft: Die Physikerinnen Prof. Kristina Kvashnina und Dr. Larysa Baraban sind von ihren jeweiligen Partnerhochschulen in Kooperation mit dem HZDR auf Professuren berufen worden.

Foto: 3D representation of a turbulent temperature-driven flow in a liquid metal_REF ©Copyright: B. Schröder/HZDR

A 3D view into chaos: Researchers visualize temperature-driven turbulence in liquid metal for the first time

Press Release of 11.03.2024

Experiments with liquid metals could not only lead to exciting insights into geophysical and astrophysical flow phenomena, such as atmospheric disturbances at the rim of the sun or the flow in the Earth's outer core, but also foster industrial applications, for example the casting of liquid steel. However, as liquid metals are non-transparent, suitable measurement techniques to visualize the flow in the entire volume are still lacking. A team at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR) has now for the first time obtained a detailed three-dimensional image of a turbulent temperature-driven liquid metal flow using a self-developed method. In the Journal of Fluid Mechanics (, they report on the challenges they had to overcome on the way to get there.

Foto: 1,4 Millionen Jahre alt sind diese Steinwerkzeuge aus Korolevo, die Archäologen unserem frühesten Vorfahren - dem Homo erectus - zuordnen. ©Copyright: Tschechische Akademie der Wissenschaften

Der Weg nach Europa führte die ersten Menschen vor 1,4 Millionen Jahren in die heutige Ukraine

Press Release of 06.03.2024

Die älteste menschliche Besiedlung Europas liegt nach heutigem Wissensstand in der Nähe der Stadt Korolevo in der Westukraine. Neue Erkenntnisse eines internationalen Teams unter Leitung des Instituts für Kernphysik der Tschechischen Akademie der Wissenschaften und maßgeblicher Beteiligung des Helmholtz-Zentrums Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR) bestätigen, dass Steinwerkzeuge, die in der untersten und damit ältesten Ausgrabungsschicht in Korolevo gefunden wurden, 1,4 Millionen Jahre alt sind. Bisher ging man davon aus, dass der früheste bewohnte Ort Atapuerca in Spanien sei, doch die Korolevo-Funde sind etwa zwei- bis dreihunderttausend Jahre älter. Die heute in der Fachzeitschrift Nature (DOI: 10.1038/s41586-024-07151-3) veröffentlichten Ergebnisse zeigen auch, dass die frühen Hominiden die warmen Zwischeneiszeiten nutzten, um Europa von Osten oder Südosten her zu besiedeln.

Foto: Forschungsland Sachsen - HZDR präsentiert sich beim Wissenschaftsfestival SPIN2030 ©Copyright: SPIN2030

Forschungsland Sachsen - HZDR präsentiert sich beim Wissenschaftsfestival SPIN2030

Press Release of 04.03.2024

Am 8. und 9. März 2024 können wissensbegierige Dresdner*innen in die Welt der Forschung eintauchen und spannende Einblicke in das Wissenschaftsland Sachsen gewinnen. Das Sächsische Staatsministerium für Wissenschaft, Kultur und Tourismus (SMWK) organisiert ein Wissenschaftsfestival als Teil der Kampagne SPIN2030. Neben einer Ausstellung sieht das Programm vielfältige Mitmach-Formate vor. Das Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR) hat für die Veranstaltung verschiedene Angebote für alle Altersgruppen konzipiert. Das Festival in den Technischen Sammlungen Dresden richtet sich an die breite Öffentlichkeit und ist kostenfrei zugänglich.

Foto: EVERSE REF ©Copyright: Laura Portell Silva, Barcelona Supercomputing Center

Internationales Projekt EVERSE startet

Press Release of 01.03.2024

Forschungsgemeinschaften weltweit entwickeln eine Vielzahl von Softwareanwendungen, die als unerlässliche Werkzeuge für den wissenschaftlichen Fortschritt dienen. Ein gemeinsames Anliegen besteht darin, die Zuverlässigkeit dieser Anwendungen sicherzustellen und gleichzeitig Fragen zur effektiven Wiederverwendbarkeit sowie ihrer langfristigen Nachhaltigkeit zu klären.

Foto: Non-linear Hall effect in bismuth thin films REF ©Copyright: B. Schröder/ HZDR

Quantum films on plastic

Press Release of 28.02.2024

A research team from the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR) and the University of Salerno in Italy has discovered that thin films of elemental bismuth exhibit the so-called non-linear Hall effect, which could be applied in technologies for the controlled use of terahertz high-frequency signals on electronic chips. Bismuth combines several advantageous properties not found in other systems to date, as the team reports in Nature Electronics (DOI: 10.1038/s41928-024-01118-y). Particularly: the quantum effect is observed at room temperature. The thin-layer films can be applied even on plastic substrates and could therefore be suitable for modern high-frequency technology applications.

Foto: The Millifluidik device is positioned next to the patient's bed and enables real-time monitoring of amylase activity. ©Copyright: HZDR / Xinne Zhao

New Approach to Real-Time Monitoring after Pancreatic Surgery

Press Release of 26.02.2024

Complications after pancreatic surgery are common and can be life-threatening. One of the most serious yet common complications is postoperative pancreatic fistula. This condition is diagnosed based on increased concentrations of the pancreatic enzyme alpha-amylase in drainage secretions. Currently, the analysis of these enzymes is routinely conducted on the first and third postoperative day. Scientists at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR) and the University Hospital Dresden (UKD) now report in the journal Biosensors and Bioelectronics (DOI: 10.1016/j.bios.2024.116034) on the development of a portable device that can carry out the enzyme determination continuously and in real time.

Foto: Prof. Anna Dubrovska (links) und Dr. Ielizaveta Gorodetska (rechts) untersuchen spezielle Gene, um den Erfolg einer Strahlentherapie bei Prostatakrebs vorherzusagen. ©Copyright: OncoRay / Uğur Kahya

Neuer Ansatz bei schweren Verläufen von Prostatakrebs

Press Release of 15.02.2024

Prostatakrebs ist bei Männern in Deutschland die häufigste Krebsart und die zweithäufigste Todesursache bei einer Krebserkrankung. Vor allem ältere Männer sind von der Krankheit betroffen, bei der sich ein bösartiger Tumor in der Vorsteherdrüse, der Prostata, bildet. Früh erkannt, sind die Aussichten auf eine erfolgreiche Therapie gut. Im späteren Stadium kann sich der Krebs jedoch ausbreiten. Über die Prostata wächst er dann in umliegendes Gewebe ein oder bildet Tochtergeschwülste, sogenannte Metastasen. Für metastasierenden Prostatakrebs gibt es bisher nur begrenzte Behandlungsmöglichkeiten. Wissenschaftler*innen am OncoRay – Nationales Zentrum für Strahlenforschung in der Onkologie haben nun eine Möglichkeit gefunden, um das Anspre-chen des Patienten auf die Strahlentherapie und deren Erfolg vorherzusagen. Dafür schauten sie sich besondere Gene an, wie sie im Fachjournal Theranostics berichten (DOI: 10.7150/thno.88057).

Foto: Dr. Larysa Baraban - Head of the Life Science Nanomicrosystems department ©Copyright: HZDR / Anja Schneider

HZDR Team develops a new approach for fast and cost-effective pathogen detection

Press Release of 07.02.2024

The ability to detect diseases at an early stage or even predict their onset would be of tremendous benefit to doctors and patients alike. A research team led by Dr. Larysa Baraban at the at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR) develops intelligent, miniaturized biosensor devices and systems using nanomaterials to determine biomolecules and cells as well as biochemical reactions or processes as disease markers. The team’s current publication in Biosensors and Bioelectronics (DOI: 10.1016/j.bios.2023.115701) describes the development of a portable, palm-sized test system that can simultaneously carry out up to thirty-two analyses of one sample.

Foto: HZDR-Lehrkräftepreis ©Copyright: HZDR / iStock

Für mehr Wissenschaft und Forschung im Unterricht: HZDR schreibt Lehrkräftepreis aus

Press Release of 05.02.2024

Um Schüler*innen für Naturwissenschaften zu begeistern, braucht es qualitativ anspruchsvollen Unterricht und damit auch engagierte Lehrkräfte. Um entsprechende Initiativen und Ideen zu fördern, vergibt das Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR) in diesem Jahr zum zweiten Mal den HZDR-Lehrkräftepreis. Die Schirmherrschaft hat diesmal der Sächsische Kultusminister Christian Piwarz übernommen. Die Preisverleihung wird am 6. Juni 2024 stattfinden.

Foto: Microstructured sample - REF ©Copyright: B. Schröder/ HZDR

Tracking unconventional superconductivity: Research team presents heavyweight champion

Press Release of 31.01.2024

At low enough temperatures, certain metals lose their electrical resistance and they conduct electricity without loss. This effect of superconductivity is known for more than hundred years and is well understood for so-called conventional superconductors. More recent, however, are unconventional superconductors, for which it is unclear yet how they work. A team from the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR), together with colleagues from the French research institution CEA (Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives), from Tohoku University in Japan, and the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids in Dresden, has now gained new insights. The researchers report their recent findings in the journal Nature Communications (DOI: 10.1038/s41467-023-44183-1).

Foto: Heat-resistent ceramic - REF ©Copyright: B. Schröder/HZDR

Innovative computational method unveils high-performance ceramics for extreme environments

Press Release of 29.01.2024

An international research team has developed a method for rapidly discovering new types of materials that function at extremely high temperatures of several thousand degrees Celsius. These high-performance ceramics could one day form the basis for more robust coatings, batteries and radiation-resistant devices.

Foto: Artistic representation of the equations of state for the periodic table elements. The illustration is on the cover of the January 2024 issue of Nature Reviews Physics. ©Copyright: Giovanni Pizzi, ETHL

A “gold standard” for computational materials science codes

Press Release of 18.01.2024

Physicists and materials scientists can choose from a whole family of computer codes that simulate the behavior of materials and predict their properties. The accuracy of the results obtained by these codes depends on the employed approximations and chosen numerical parameters. To verify that the results from different codes are comparable, consistent with each other, and reproducible, a large group of scientists did the most comprehensive verification study so far. Published in the first 2024 issue of Nature Reviews Physics (DOI: 10.1038/s42254-023-00655-3), it provides a reference dataset and a set of guidelines for assessing and improving existing and future codes.

Foto: Die deutsche Forschungsstation Neumayer-Station III in der Antarktis. ©Copyright: Alfred-Wegener-Institut / Thomas Steuer

HZDR-Schülerlabor schaltet live zur Neumayer Station am Südpol

Press Release of 16.01.2024

Eisig und spannend zugleich wird es am Mittwoch, 17. Januar 2024, wenn das Schülerlabor DeltaX am Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf bei der nächsten Experimentiersafari zur Neumayer Station des Alfred-Wegener-Instituts in die Antarktis schaltet. In der Safari geht es diesmal um „Forschung im Eis“.

Foto: Stahlgießen ist einer der energieintensiven Industrieprozesse, für die das Projekt CITADEL Einsparpotentiale ergründen will. ©Copyright: HZDR / AVANGA

Von Grund auf neu denken: Mit CITADEL sollen energieintensive Industrien grün werden

Press Release of 15.01.2024

Unter Leitung des Instituts für Fluiddynamik am Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR) sucht ein internationales Team nach Möglichkeiten, energieintensive Industriezweige auf regenerativen Strom umzustellen. Insgesamt 14 Forschungseinrichtungen und Unternehmen aus sieben europäischen Ländern fokussieren sich dabei auf die Produktion von feuerfesten Materialien, Glas, Stahl, Kupfer sowie auf das Betonrecycling. Das von der Europäischen Union mit 13,5 Millionen Euro geförderte Projekt startet im Januar 2024, ist auf vier Jahre angelegt und soll in den Bau von fünf Demonstrationsanlagen münden.

Foto: Physicist Gregor Hlawacek, head of the EU project FIT4NANO, is responsible for a state-of-the-art facility at the HZDR where he can produce and analyze nanostructures using a particularly finely focused ion beam. ©Copyright: Oliver Killig/HZDR

Focused ion beam technology: a single tool for a wide range of applications

Press Release of 11.01.2024

Processing materials on the nanoscale, producing prototypes for microelectronics or analyzing biological samples: The range of applications for finely focused ion beams is huge. Experts from the EU collaboration FIT4NANO have now reviewed the many options and developed a roadmap for the future. The article, published in “Applied Physics Review” (DOI: 10.1063/5.0162597), is aimed at students, users from industry and science as well as research policy makers.

Foto: Interior view of the Aurora-PT in-beam MRI with patient couch and vertically oriented magnets ©Copyright: UKD/Kirsten Lassig

The world’s first Prototype for High-Contrast Live Imaging in Proton Therapy

Press Release of 09.01.2024

On January 9th, 2024, a scientific prototype for MRI-guided proton therapy was inaugurated in Dresden. With this installation, experts from the fields of medicine, medical physics, biology and engineering are embarking on the scientific testing of a new form of radiotherapy for treating cancer. For the first time globally, a full-body MRI device for real-time imaging is combined with a proton therapy system in the form of a prototype. The inauguration ceremony was held at OncoRay – National Center for Radiation Research in Oncology with Saxony’s Minister-President Michael Kretschmer present. After demonstrating the technical feasibility using a compact MRI device without real-time imaging with a predecessor prototype financed by the Sächsische Aufbaubank in 2019, the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR) has now financed the development of a pioneering full-body MRI device with real-time imaging. The infrastructure as well as a number of the personnel are provided by the Dresden University Medical Center.

Foto: Metal-organic frameworks can adsorb water in the pores they form. REF ©Copyright: B. Schröder/ HZDR

How to capture water from air: Researchers decipher the underlying adsorption mechanism of special microporous material

Press Release of 05.01.2024

Researchers from the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR) and Dresden University of Technology (TUD) have unraveled the water adsorption mechanism in certain microporous materials – so-called hierarchical metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) – while probing them on the atomic scale. Discovered only about 25 years ago, their special properties quickly led to a reputation as “miracle materials” – which, as it turned out, can even harvest water from air. In the journal ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces (, the researchers describe how the material achieves this.

Foto: In order to prevent risks, like the instability of mining dumps or the contamination of soil and water, and optimize the efficiency of resource extraction, twelve international partners within the framework of the European research project MOSMIN have set themselves the task of using Copernicus satellite data to geotechnically and environmentally monitor mining dumps and evaluate their potential as ore deposits. ©Copyright: MOSMIN

Using satellite data to improve mining safety: EU research project MOSMIN to monitor and secure mining-related deposits launches

Press Release of 02.01.2024

Mining remains essential to meet the growing demand for raw materials. But there are potential environmental risks associated with mining, such as the instability of tailings dams or the contamination of soil and water. In order to prevent these risks and optimize the efficiency of resource extraction, twelve international partners within the framework of the European research project MOSMIN have set themselves the task of using Copernicus satellite and ground-based data to geotechnically and environmentally monitor mine waste deposits and evaluate their potential as ore deposits. Coordinated by the Helmholtz Institute Freiberg for Resource Technology at the Helmholtz Center Dresden-Rossendorf, the project partners will develop and test Earth observation (EO)-based techniques over the next three years. The European Union Agency for the Space Programme (EUSPA) funds the project with almost three million euros.


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