Master theses / Diploma theses / Compulsory internship

Experimental investigation of aerosol particle separation (Id 403)

No current offer!

Foto: swirl generator ©Copyright: Dr. Gregory LecrivainAs part of the CORAERO joint project (Airborne Transmission of SARS Coronavirus - From Fundamental Science to Efficient Air Cleaning Systems) funded by the Helmholtz Association, we are working on scientific issues relating to the formation of virus-laden aerosols, their thermodynamics and propagation in rooms, as well as strategies and technologies to prevent aerosol-borne infections.

The separation of aerosol particles in gas-liquid systems plays a central role in a variety of industrial and natural applications, among which stand out air purification and filtration systems as well as precipitation scavenging. The particle size significantly affects the separation rate. The diffusion of particles in the nanometer range is largely dominated by molecular diffusion. In this regime, predictive models accurately estimate the separation rates. Model inaccuracy increases, however, significantly when the particle size ranges from 0.1 μm to 2.5 μm. In this impaction-dominated regime, the complex interplay between the flow dynamics and the particle inertia makes it difficult to apply predictive tools.

A novel concept based on gas-liquid cyclone for particle separation is here to be conceived, tested and compared to a traditional wet filtering system. To this aim, we are looking for student interested in experimental multiphase flow investigations.

For more info please visit: https://www.coraero.de/

Department: Experimental Thermal Fluid Dynamics

Contact: Dr. Wiedemann, Philipp, Cavagnola, Marco Alejandro


  • Currently study chemical/mechanical/process engineering or natural sciences
  • Good communication skills in German AND English
  • Enjoy working in the lab and be able to work independently


The duration of the work should ideally be 6 months. Remuneration is available.