Bachelor theses / Master theses / Diploma theses / Student Assistant / Compulsory internship

3D characterization of slags and ores using computed tomography (Id 391)

No current offer!

Computed tomography is a prevalent technique used for the 3D characterization of ores at the particle level. However, the presence of image artefacts has hindered the establishment of a standardized workflow for automated 3D mineralogical quantification. The primary objective of this project is to develop and standardize such a workflow for the 3D characterization of particulate materials. The results will be tested and validated using ores and slags. As a part of this project, we are offering a student assistant position to contribute to the experimental and/or data processing developments of the workflow. The work can be projected into a BSc or MSc thesis/internship.
Department: Analytics

  • Sample preparation and scanning of samples using X-ray computed tomography.
  • Processing 3D images.
  • Quantification of 3D particle properties
  • Assistance in other laboratory tasks to characterize samples.

Department: X-ray and bulk analytics

Contact: Dr. da Assuncao Godinho, Jose Ricardo, Gupta, Shuvam


  • Enrolled in STEM courses. E.g. Materials/Earth/Computer science/Engineering etc.
  • Basic understanding/willingness to learn Python.
  • Good written and oral communication skills in English.


  • Working place HZDR: Freiberg (HIF)
  • Start date: As soon as possible
  • Duration: flexible 19 h/week, initially for 6 months
  • Remuneration according to HZDR internal regulation
