Master theses / Diploma theses / Compulsory internship

Calculation of multi-phase flow using the GENTOP model with FLUENT (Id 346)

No current offer!

Foto: Fig. 1: Boiling pipe flow (left: disperse gas volume fraction, right: continuous gas volume fraction) from Setoodeh et al., Applied Thermal Engineering 204 (2022) 117962 ©Copyright: Dr. Thomas HöhneAs a member of the Helmholtz Association of German Research Centers, the HZDR employs about 1,400 people. The Center's focus is on interdisciplinary research in the areas energy, health and matter. The Institute of Fluid Dynamics is conducting basic and applied research in the fields of thermo-fluid dynamics and magnetohydrodynamics in order to improve the sustainability, the energy efficiency and the safety of industrial processes.

Multiphase flows are important part of many industrial applications, whereas modelling of them is a challenging and complex task. For flow situations with higher void fractions, HZDR developed a new generalized concept for the CFD-simulations including flow regime transitions. The GENTOP (Generalized Two-Phase Flow) approach is able to simulate co-existing large-scaled (continuous) and small-scaled (polydispersed) structures (Fig. 1). Previous results were performed with the CFD code CFX and compared against DEBORA validation data.

The goal of the thesis would be to apply and improving the existing state of the simulations in the Fluent GENTOP framework.

We offer an interesting task dealing with complex physical phenomena, work in an international team using state-of-the-art calculation and programming methods.

We are looking for a motivated student (f/m/d) (master thesis) able to perform CFD simulations, understand and program code to generalize/parametrize CFD simulations, work with experimental data sets, document and present the work in an appropriate manner. Useful but not required is a knowledge of the following software tools: CFD codes CFX and Fluent, Python, GIT.

The task is supervised by Framatome and HZDR.

FRAMATOME is a designer and supplier of nuclear steam supply system and nuclear equipment, services and fuel for high levels of safety and performance. Framatome is a major international player in the nuclear energy market recognized for its innovative solutions and value-added technologies for designing, building, maintaining, and advancing the global nuclear fleet. The company designs, manufactures, and installs components, fuel and instrumentation and control systems for nuclear power plants and offers a full range of reactor services. With 14,000 employees worldwide, every day Framatome's expertise helps its customers improve the safety and performance of their nuclear plants and achieve their economic and societal goals.

Department: Computational Fluid Dynamics

Contact: Dr. Höhne, Thomas, Dr. Lucas, Dirk


  • Studies in Engineering, Computer Science or comparable
  • Interest in numerical work
  • Good communication skills in both written and spoken English
  • Useful but not required is a knowledge of the following software tools: CFD codes CFX and Fluent, Python, GIT.


  • A vibrant research community in an open, diverse, and international work environment.
  • Scientific excellence and extensive professional networking opportunities.
  • Compensation as student researcher (working hours to be determined).
  • Working place will be Dresden and/or Erlangen Germany.