Practical trainings, student assistants and theses

Numerical investigation of particle mixing (Id 419)

Master theses / Diploma theses / Compulsory internship

Fine-grained solid particles from various industrial sources, which would otherwise be discarded, should ideally be processed to valuable products or inert residues. They contain valuable residuals, such as metals, that can be returned to the industrial cycle instead of being landfilled. This is one aim of the Helmholtz project FINEST in which this work is embedded.
The different finest powders need to be mixed and agglomerated for further processing. Our work in the project deals with the granular mixing. One aim is to describe particle flow based on the rheology of the bulk good while describing the mixing process among the particles using a transport equation.
The mixing process among particles is described by the transport equation. It needs to be coupled with the flow field of the particle bulk. The latter can be modelled by CFD, using e.g. FEM. Here, a rheologic model is required.
We are looking for someone with experience in CFD or other modelling to continue the implementation of this model.

Department: Particle dynamics

Contact: Baecke, Anna Magdalena, Dr. Lecrivain, Gregory, Radhakrishnakumar, Subhadrakutty


  • Student of e.g. Process Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Computational Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, …
  • General interest in fluid mechanics and simulations
  • Preliminary experience in CFD, ideally OpenFOAM
  • Preliminary experience in code development (C++) optional


  • Start after September 2024
  • Duration of internship or thesis according to study regulations
  • Remuneration available, scholarship holders (e.g. ERASMUS+) welcome

Online application

Please apply online: english / german
