HZDR online application

Neutronen- und röntgenradiographische Untersuchung der Schaumströmung um einen Zylinder

We are grateful for your interest to submit your application at the HZDR and we are pleased to get to know you.

Please pay attention to the following information:

  • the fields marked with * are required fields, all other information is optional
  • please fill out all fields carefully to avoid future changes
  • to complete the application you will need approx. 10 – 20 minutes

Data Protection and Privacy Regulations for Online Applications

As a part of your registration, we will only process your personal data for the purpose of permitting your identification and for the technical implementation of your online application pursuant to Article 88 Para. 1 of the General Data Protection Regulation (DS-GVO) in conjunction with § 26 of the German Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG). Within the scope of the further application procedure, we will also process additional data of your person pursuant to Article 88 Para. 1 DS-GVO in conjunction with § 26 BDSG as well as Article 6 Para. 1 Sentence 1 lit. c) DS-GVO. These data include, in particular, your contact information as well as a description of your education, professional experience, and skills. In addition, you may also submit to us such electronically stored documents as certificates, verifications, and/or cover letters. As a basic principle, we will only collect those data which are necessary for your application and which you will make available for this specific purpose. Mandatory fields are marked accordingly. All other fields are voluntary and have no influence on your application. The usual requirements shall apply to any and all of your enclosed application documents.

These data will be stored, evaluated, processed, and/or forwarded internally solely within the scope of your application for the position you selected; and these data will only be accessible to the staff members of the Human Resources Department as well as to the persons of the appropriate departments who are responsible for filling the respective post. Your data will not be used for any other purposes; in particular, your data will neither be forwarded to any third parties nor made available to such third parties in any other form.

In the event that you receive a notice of rejection from the HZDR, then your data will be deleted automatically from the HZDR’s applicant management system after a period of three (3) months has expired. This shall not apply if and when in individual cases any legal provisions prevent and/or collide with such deletion; if and when we need your data, for example, in case of a legal dispute even beyond the aforementioned period of time; and/or if and when you have expressly and explicitly agreed to any longer storage period. You will not receive any separate notice of such deletion.

Subsequent thereto, the requisite results will be stored for further statistical evaluations only in an anonymized form, which means without indicating your name or any other personal information. These statistical data records will not allow any conclusions to be drawn about any natural persons.

In the event that any contract is concluded with the HZDR, your application documents as well as your personal data which are entered into the HZDR’s applicant management system will become part of your personnel file.
Please take also a look at the general information on the processing of your data which can be found on our website.

I herewith confirm that I have duly noted and acknowledged these Data Protection and Privacy Regulations.


Title (20 Byte)
Last name* (50 Byte)
First name* (50 Byte)
E-Mail* (100 Byte)
Language for e-mail communication*
Application for*

* Input required

Important notices:

  • After saving your data, you will receive an e-mail. Please check your SPAM-folder in your inbox as well.
  • Please confirm receipt by clicking on the link and then continue your input.
  • If you have not continued your registration after receiving the e-mail with the input of other data within 24 hours or have finished up to the application deadline, your registration will be deleted without further inquiry.
  • Please complete your application within 6 days or until the application deadline, otherwise it will be automatically deleted.