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Foto: Dr. Larysa Baraban - MHELTHERA Image ©Copyright: A. Wirsig / HZDR

News of 15.10.2024

Potentials and limitations of medical technology: Afterwork talk with HZDR researcher Larysa Baraban

Inventions in medical technology open up completely new treatment options, but also entail limitations of various kinds. This field of tension will be the subject of a public panel discussion with Prof. Larysa Baraban on Tuesday, October 29, 2024 …

Foto: Aerial View of the HZDR as of July 2022. ©Copyright: HZDR/Avanga

Press Release of 17.10.2024

Für den Ernstfall gewappnet: Jährliche Notfallü­bung simuliert Brand im Laborgebäude

Um die Zusammenarbeit zwischen der Rossendorfer Werksfeuerwehr und Einsatzkräften der Berufsfeuerwehr sowie des Rettungsdienstes Dresden zu vertiefen, simulieren der VKTA – Strahlenschutz, Analytik & Entsorgung Rossendorf und das Helmholtz-Zentrum …

Foto: Polymers and other materials move on a conveyor belt test track at speeds of up to one meter per second while beeing sequentially scanned by multiple sensors. ©Copyright: Dr. Margret Fuchs

Press Release of 02.10.2024

More recycling efficiency for plastics

Plastics make up around a quarter of the materials contained in electronic waste (e-waste). The proportion that is recycled is comparatively low - the majority is simply incinerated. The first step to improve recycling is the identification of …



No space for discrimination

Diversity, equal opportunities and inclusion – these values are more than just words for us. They form the core of what we do at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf. Our commitment to these values is unwavering because they are central to our mission and purpose: Different perspectives lead to better ideas to solve the complex problems of a changing – and increasingly diverse – world.More

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